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'Woman' Rapes Two Women Using 'Her' Penis And Is Sent To A Woman's Jail.

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Deskdiary | 21:04 Tue 24th Jan 2023 | News
503 Answers

Jesus wept - who agrees this is absurd?

And why the hell is the Mail referring to somebody with a penis who rapes women as 'her'?

In his most recent Netflix special, Ricky Gervais had a routine about this very scenario, which was hilarious because it was so absurd. Paraphrasing "He raped me", "you mean she raped you", "but he had a penis", "she had a penis you effing bigot". But clearly it wasn't that absurd after all!


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the idea that gender is determined wholly by the sex you are born into is an opinion and not a truth because it cannot be objectively proven to be true

new judge (and others i suspect) says that he doesn't care one way or another if a person is trans but also insists that he will stop interacting with anyone at all who asks him to use preferred pronouns... that is not the behaviour of somebody who does not care.
Untitled, What a load of rubbish. Look! People with cervices are called women. People who have periods are called women. People who give birth are called women. Men are not women. I don’t care who calls themselves what - but I do care about the blatant lies that are being propagated on behalf of the trans brigade and the effect that is having on women and their rights - and I suspect NJ feels pretty much the same - so do me a favour and stop taking people for fools because most of them aren’t.
gender by definition does not refer to biology.
naomi24, i agree totally, look how far it's that got, jk rowling got death threats and howls, guy rapist dresses as a woman, and wants to be in a womans prison...really, indicment of how far this lunacy has got.
personally i would hang all rapists, extremist perhaps.
"I don’t care who calls themselves what"

but you obviously do
Untitled,"I don’t care who calls themselves what" but you obviously do
you make me laugh, all this himshe nonsense, what a farce it all is.
men will always be men, and women also, surgery will never change it
or dresses, call yourself what you want, guy in a dress is a guy in a dress, even if you hack off his bits, gelding..very similar
Frankly, untitled, I couldn’t give a monkeys about ‘gender’. As far as I’m aware there are, allegedly, fifty or more, one apparently ‘catgender’ which applies to
people who identify with cats. What utter, utter tripe! You people are taking society for fools - and you’re doing it regardless of the effect this abject nonsense is having on real women. High time society reclaimed its collective brain and faced facts. Men are not women - and regardless of the personal problems the trans brigade experience, pretending to be women doesn’t change that. They’re just not.
People can call themselves whatever they like, dress how they want but don't ever call me 'cis'. I am a man. I have the right to be identified how I want, too.
whether or not you care about gender is irrelevant naomi… you are lucky that you don’t. Others however do struggle enormously with it and they are just as human as you however much you might despise and disregard them… transgender people exist whether you like it or not and all the bitter answerbank posts in the world will never change that :)
We’ve even got the leader of the opposition so browbeaten by all this stupidity that he’s too afraid to say that women don’t have penises. It’s madness! They don’t!!
Untitled, spare me the bleeding hearts. I don’t have a problem with transgender people existing as long as they don’t claim to be women and expect the rest of society to indulge them in their fantasy by endorsing that.
naomi24, absolutly true, pathetic for a leader, anyone voting for that guy needs there head examined and not by a trangender doctor himshe, untitled, thye may have feelings, i get that, but stop trying to push the agenda on schooling and children, id go so far as banning it in schooling as an offence ie child abuse, if your 18 dress and pretend all you like,
what gets me is that it is MEN ( even when wearing a frock and calling themselves her) get to decide on women's rights which we have fought for centuries to get, can be overturned or eroded and then castigating us for doing so by pointing out the lunacy of it.
And I used MEN in capitals because I dont see any of this claptrap coming from women
Rosetta, thats true..male misogny rearing it's ugly head again
like a certain ethnic religion, and getting militant with it.
starmer must know it's all nonsense, but is afraid of say it...every vote counts, shows his agenda.
//new judge (and others i suspect) says that he doesn't care one way or another if a person is trans but also insists that he will stop interacting with anyone at all who asks him to use preferred pronouns... that is not the behaviour of somebody who does not care.//

I beg to differ. If you choose to address a man as “she” it doesn’t prove you care. It simply shows you are willing to indulge in fantasy.

//..gender by definition does not refer to biology.//

Agreed. And as I said, the term is largely meaningless. But similarly gender does not define a man or a woman. Biological sex does.

//Others however do struggle enormously with it…//

I’m sure they do. But is it right that, as part of the solution to their problems, men must be permitted to infiltrate women only spaces? Or don’t you care about the rights and requirements of women (who outnumber transgender people by about 250 to one) ?
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For me this is black and white.

Biological sex is immutable. It just is, so there’s no point in even attempting to argue the point.

Only women can give birth.

I repeat that if people want to (let’s use the phrase even though it’s impossible) want to ‘change sex’ if it makes them have a better life, bloody good luck to them, with the caveat that their rights don’t top
trump the rights of proper women.

But they aren’t women, or vice versa men, it can only ever, ever, be what they interpret a woman, or a man, is.

The thing that has annoyed me the most about this whole sorry saga, is that a court was referring to this aberration as ‘her’, when to 99.9% of the population, this piece of filth is clearly a man.
“ don’t have a problem with transgender people existing as long as they don’t claim to be women and expect the rest of society to indulge them in their fantasy by endorsing that.”

then you do have a problem with transgender people existing

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