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Khandro | 15:14 Thu 29th Jun 2023 | News
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Nigel Farage may be hounded out of the UK


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It seems that any suspicion gives banks the right to close accounts, without explanation, to avoid risk, even when such suspicion/risk seems ridiculously small and remote. That seems wrong. Obviously society shouldn't tip off the bad guys that they are under suspicion, but one wonders what society thinks closing the accounts of everyone around them...
23:20 Fri 30th Jun 2023
//unless you believe that banks are closing down the account of those who hold views they disagree with//

But didn't the bank cancel the vicar because he disagreed with their views? And they spout about 'discrimination'.

I think Khandro mistook that emoji for the ‘shocked’ one.
No naomi24

That’s what the viciar said. We’ve not seen the letter he wrote to the bank. For all we know he could’ve been abusive to staff or made specific threats. We simply don’t know because all we have is his side of the story and naturally he will cast himself in the best light.

And he’s an ex-vicar…which to
My mind says something about him.
//all we have is his side of the story//

Yes, we do but if the bank had a really valid reason for cancelling him, they would avoid the negative publicity they're getting by sharing it. Likewise if the seven banks Mr Farage approached hadn't rejected him, as he claims, why haven't any of them come forward to offer him an account? The whole thing stinks.
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n. //I don't understand why you're smiling, Khandro. That's exactly what it is.//

I wasn't smiling at my comment, it was more to be conciliatory to Douglas. I didn't want him to think I was ungrateful for his link :0)
Oh ok.
Katie Holmes?
I think he means Katie Hopkins.
I know he does...and he is wrong (again)
Gary Lineker?? Lol. His views are so woke he would be offered free banking and an interest free mortgage before you could say snowflake.
Lineker and the banks are singing from the same hymn sheet..
As for jno's link I can see no comparison between a Russian Oligarch's daughter and Dominic Lawson's daughter. A Russian oligarch who is cosy with Putin and like most of them most likely acquired the wealth through proceeds of crime or corruption is a fair target. There are, after all sanctions against Russia and their oligarch's wealth as the ex owner of Chelsea discovered.
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Bankers friend & ex-investment banker himself Rishi Sunak, seems curiously quiet on this issue. Or have I missed something?
Yes...Katie Hopkins. Katie Holmes is Tom Cruise's ex-wife. You're absolutely correct royfromaus. I got Dominic Lawson mixed up with Dominic Sandbrook earlier. It's not been a good 24 hours!!

"Lineker and the banks are singing from the same hymn sheet.."

And the others I mentioned in that post? Did you notice those?
//But people familiar with Coutts' move said it was a "commercial" decision.//

Interesting choice of words. Who are these people who are 'familiar' with Coutts, and if Coutts won't tell the account holder why his account has been closed, how do those 'familiar' with Coutts know?
//"Lineker and the banks are singing from the same hymn sheet.."

And the others I mentioned in that post? Did you notice those?//

Yes I did notice. But you obviously didn't notice it was I who posted that and not royfromaus.. Wrong yet again. You really are not having a good day . :-)

In my defence, I pretty much see you and royfromaus as the same person.


Probably someone in the upper echelons who wants to give their side of the story. It'd be easy to verify, all Farage needs to do is tell everyone whether the balance of his account fell below the threshold demanded by Coutts. If it did - then we have the answer.
SP, Funny how you don't doubt the word of someone you only think is 'probably in the upper echelons... etc' - and yet say we only have Farage's and the vicar's word for their claims.

Farage said the other day he had loads of money in the accounts - or words to that effect - so presumably. as a customer of 40 years, he knows the rules so had already considered that reason and dismissed it..

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