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Winter Fuel Payments Cut For Many Pensioners

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barry1010 | 16:09 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
136 Answers

Labour is not messing about.  From this year only pensioners in reciept of Pension Credit or other means tested benefits will not the £100 - £300 annual payment to help with fuel bills.

Those just above the cut off for pension credit will really struggle,to%20make%2C%22%20she%20says.

I think this is very wrong.  Too many pensioners with no savings and just a pound or two over the limit are struggling. 



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You can bet that Anjem Choudary was getting every benefit he could. We'll now have keep him in food & warmth in prison as well, while some pensioners shiver & his family can carry on the tradition.

Mad ! - do they mean us?


Why can't you Tory losers just belt up.. and realise you lost . You Tories who live in the UK  will realise in a few months time, under this strong no nonsense Labour Govt .With such a huge majority... Which means they can do what ever they want.  "You have never had it so good ".The Sunny uplands are just around the corner ..Thanks to this new Labour Govt. Government. Just sit back and enjoy the next ten years OK .

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Wish you'd belt up, Gulliver.  You make too many assumptions about how people voted.

 gulliver @17.59,There will also be a lot of disillusioned Labour voters affected also.

Can the title be changed to "WFP cut for MOST pensioners".

gully - you never "belted up" about the Tories & Brexit so who are you to tell others....

Twice in two days we've had the news that Labour is hitting the elderly and the sick - which comes as no surprise to some of us. Gulliver, however, remains entrenched in his very own red Utopia - Cloud Cuckoo Land.  No one can say they weren't warned.

No more handouts, SK is going to learn folk how to stand on their own two feet. The cons have done nothing more than bribe people with free cash to enable them to stop in power. When the going gets tuff the tuff get going, SK is going to balance the books, like it or not.🤣🤣

You don't seem to have noticed, nicebloke, that KS is attacking people who very often are unable to stand at all.  Cheer on... but get old at your peril.

"SK is going to learn folk how to stand on their own two feet."

There's quite a few folk who are quite capable of standing on their own two feet, nicebloke, but prefer not to do so.

The notion that a Labour government will balance the books is fanciful.

//SK is going to learn folk how to stand on their own two feet.//

Wasn't it a Tory (Tebbit?) who said "Get on your bike and look for work". At least KS is putting us back on our feet!

I dont get it,partner does.We dont need the money,but if the SNP wants to give it to us im happy.The more money they give to us,the less they have to give to errr..freedom fighters out in Plastecine.

So all the Pensioners will freeze during winter but all the migrant-packed hotels will have unlimited free heating and three meals per day. 

RIP Great Britain.

Good luck to KS if he thinks he can get all the workshy benefit scroungers back to work .He'll have a struggle . 

KS doesn't want work shy scroungers going back to work. They'll still get the WFA so will be nice and warm.

Get old at my peril? I'm already old, And one thing my mum and dad taught me was to stand on your own two feet, starting off by looking after the money you earn not throwing it away. Way to many dossers in this country looking for a free ride.

//KS doesn't want work shy scroungers going back to work. They'll still get the WFA so will be nice and warm.//

And will vote Liebour in future!

Hi gulliver1- I'd be ineterested to know whether you were getting WFA as an expat and whether it'll stop for you.  If you are going to lose it then fair play to you- you're not putting self-interest ahead of the greater good.

That was extremely well spotted clone. Nice one.


I have no doubt there's many pensioners who are asset rich, having strived to buy their house and pay off their mortgage, but cash poor. Those on the left will nasally whine that they should sell-up - but why should they? Chances are they've lived in their house for decades, brought their children up in it, and hope to leave it to them as their inheritance. 

Anybody with an ounce of sense knew Labour would screw people, but I can't be the only one who is surprised at how quickly they've decided to do so. 

They're already a disgrace and it's only been three weeks - what's it going to be like in a year?

It goes on ;

'Labour scraps dozens of planned railway lines in blow to small town Britain'.

Warm sunny uplands?


Don't crow too soon, Nicebloke.  If you need care in your old age, they'll soon whip your savings off you.  

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