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Any "Far Right" Protests Going On

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nailedit | 13:08 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | News
75 Answers

where you live?

Just returned home after getting caught up in one in my city centre.




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One to the left, one to the right.

Nothing up here round Brid./Driffield that I know of, ferlew.

I'm lucky enough to live in the middle of nowhere and the worse I'm likely to get caught up in is a twitchers' gathering or a tractor rally.


Two stabbed in Stoke

This is going to get very ugly.

Could be a hammer attack

It seems to be kicking off in Liverpool too.

And Manchester.


Oh good grief!

It isn't just the diabolical murder of those young children that's fired these people up. Other things happen all the time. You wouldn't believe some of them. Southport would have been the last straw for the far right.

It's been simmering since the 1960s. 

I don't think all these people are 'far right'.  That's another handy tag designed to alienate.  I think a lot of them are just sick of what's happening in this country.

Indeed Naomi - that is why Starmer's speech was tone deaf in blaming the 'far right', and neatly crystallised why he is unfit to be PM given he doesn't understand the feeling in the county about the illegal immigration crisis (and it is a crisis).

In one area of a northern town, utility workers will not go and repair broken or damaged pipes/cables etc unless it is between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm and only if they have a police escort. This is because of the behaviour of certain immigrant residents, who will spit at workers; insult and abuse them; steal their tools; damage equipment and vehicles. But of course the police don't want inflame the situation for fear of being accused of playing the racist card, so no-one is prosecuted. More community policing instead. They're happier with that. 

DD, that speech was absolutely disgraceful. 

I would suggest nailit stays in and watches the TV tonight but I don't believe he has one.

Tooled up mobs all over Stoke

These are not "protests". It is organised criminal behaviour and thuggery. Simply an excuse to throw missiles at the police.

Who even owns a balaclava yet alone wears one to a "peaceful protest" in August?

Anybody committing criminal acts such as setting fire to buildings and police cars should get at least 10 years in jail

All quiet in Crianlarich.

Do you really believe that every protester goes around in a balaclava chucking bricks and committing arson ?


Try watching non-MSM news sources for an alternative view.

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