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Any "Far Right" Protests Going On

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nailedit | 13:08 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | News
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where you live?

Just returned home after getting caught up in one in my city centre.




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Old Geezer.I never said every protestor did, but if somebody feels the need to cover their face,it means they are not interested in peaceful protest.

There is no alternative viewpoint. It is criminal behaviour and thuiggery which deserves harsh punishment.

It is far right scum being whipped by online lies and misinformation

So Enoch was right.

Unless that useless *** Starmer can come up with something better than lazily blaming the far-right in his next speech to the nation, It Is civil war .

Were they all "far right scum"?

We were warned many times of the consequences of certain elements of our society. When we become the minority, they will not be tolerant to us. Look what happened to Christian Lebanon.

david small - Lebanon is a case in point.  Outbreeding has been happening here since Callaghan allowed open entry from the Commonwealth. Mostly in pockets kept away from the knowledge of the country at large. For this,  I cite the Bradford riots - OH, then in the south of England, didn't have a clue what they were really about. This in itself leads to (is leading to) the Lebanon situation.  On top of this slow saturation and  subsuming of the indigenous population we now have the obvious onslaught/invasion of (mainly Muslim) males who immediately attract better living conditions than many of the indigenous.  e.g. At Scarborough Grand Hotel, not only were there 2 doctors on duty daily, but also a dentist! They left the hotel a wreck, by the way.

Add to this that the people who pay for all this, and who built this country, are facing cuts in benefits and  (if not on benefits) purchasing power ---- and you are still asking them to pay for all these invaders: there will be insurrection.  It's been a long time coming, which shows what a tolerant people we are.  This wave will probably be beaten down; then it will fester andcome back more strongly.

It's human nature and history.  Neither can be changed.

Nothing planned as far as I know.

Dont they realise that all this damage and police time is going straight back on their various taxes, assuming they work of course between destroying things.

How are you doing, nailedit, by the way?  Not so long now.

No, but it is hinted at when the only protester description is that of the worst behaved. It's what we get from Starmer & co. and I think gives a wrong impression.

" ten or fifteen years the black man will have the whip hand."

Whatever happened to that prediction?  He was no Mystic Meg.

Maybe they didn't move fast enough and others took over ?

Jourdain - it's still kicking off in Hull town centre, British Transport Police came in about 40 mins ago, and they are kettling folks on King Edward St, and Jameson St at the moment. I think curfew is to come into force at 10pm.

Thanks, ferlew.  Getting very nasty.

I see the BBC in the link above has referred to the protestors as being "far right" although given the BBC is far left that's hardly surprising.


The protesters are not all "far right". There's plenty of moderates, me included, who are concerned about the invasion. Being concerned about the unfettered illegal immigration does not automatically mean people are "far right" and it is a disgusting slur.

Former Met Police detective Peter Bleksley has hit out at the use of the term ‘far-right’ as unrest continues to plague Britain.

“It’s often very inaccurately used to describe anybody who harbours concerns about perhaps the rise of Islam or who is deeply concerned about unfettered migration into our country from people on small boats who we simply don’t know who they are or where they have come from.

“The label is pinned on anyone, and it is an assault on free speech. If people were to be heard in public having such a conversation and expressing their concerns, they might be frowned upon and that conversation would be ended.

“It’s lazy, it’s inaccurate, and it doesn’t apply to millions of decent, law aiding, concerned British citizens......”

GB News.

Though he did go on to acknowledge that many attending the protests did so to “make trouble”.

reading these posts makes me want to go to Church

the quote by Peter Bleklsy ( Khandro) is good  evidence that the police have been infiltrated by the far right innit?

People have the right to demonstate peacefully but even I can see these arent peaceful. - oh the answer to the question... yes bottom of Oldham Road ( holiday inn) M40 - no that is not the motorway but the post code

I believe the home office has been infiltrated by Islamists.


BBC News last night.  A policeman was heard telling people at a mosque to get rid of any weapons they might have - no arrests would be made.   Did I hear that right?

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