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Any "Far Right" Protests Going On

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nailedit | 13:08 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | News
75 Answers

where you live?

Just returned home after getting caught up in one in my city centre.




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Have to say that I am no fan of the police, but what they put up with yesterday was something else. I went back out to film it as it all kicked off outside my block of flats as there were also a large gathering of muslims from the mosque opposite. Protesting is one thing but pelting the police with housebricks is another. Even I have never done that...

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Also shop windows had been put in. No excuse for that.

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This was literally outside the entrance to my flats.

@2:12 guy throws bricks at the police. Thats NOT protesting. That mindless violence.

"So are those on the so-called "Far Right" not entitled to voice their concerns that the cultural identity of this country is being compromised to such a degree that in many parts it is almost unrecognisable?"

i did not say that people have no right to "voice concerns" did i newjudge. i don't understand what you are asking me. 

That scares the hell out of me, nailedit.  Please stay away from it.

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My life's a bit dull at the moment naomi, anything for an adrenaline rush, lol.


I can think of better things to do - like watching from a window.  😱

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Nah, like getting a piece of the action 😁

Naoledit - please don't have a drink!

"they" should legalise cannabis - it would calm the thugs & free up more police.

I could only watch a minute and a bit of that. Scares me...them taunting the police. They are all minus a few braincells. 

Interestingly, I've just read that a counter protest is planned here for tomorrow night. While I sympathise with their message of tolerance...I'm fearful it will bring the neanderthals out of the woodwork. 

I just saw the actual poster/advert...and it's to counteract the EDL calling a rally in the same area. Oh joy 🙄

no we have no far right here,,we do have patriots and they are out fighting to preserve our way of life

pasta freak there is no e.d.l

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