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Riots - No End In Sight

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naomi24 | 17:39 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
141 Answers

The Daily Telegraph reports that Keir Starmer is chairing a Cobra meeting tonight but is coming in for criticism for his poor handing of the on-going riots.  Should he recall Parliament?



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//Police have charged one Romanian man aged 37 with violent disorder and arson that endangered life//


Send him back, no debate, just a plane ticket.


I wonder what this Romanian geezer did for a living.Anyone know?Maybe its just me,but i get the feeling that a lot of these immigrants are just living off the largesse of the British taxpayers.Maybe its just me?

Iustin Dobre a 37 year old builder

it's not difficult to look this stuff up yourself before going off half-cocked...

Builder, violent thug and arsonist.

everyone needs a hobby

Love to see the rioters go down to Brixton, Streatham or New Cross.

The cowards would soon see the errors of their ways.

Great to see the anti-facist backlash all over the shop. This will probably be how the riots will be quelled...when the tattooed thugs realise their outnmbers and go back to their dole offices and council coke.

Whats "far right" ^

sp; // ...Great to see the anti-facist backlash...//

Not a few fascist supporters among the 'anti-fascists' evidenced by Palestinian pro Hamas flags.  

Gawd I wish they would stop using the "FAR RIGHT" label.

If only we could get the 5C so enthusiastic about fighting for Britain. When it comes to invaders and terrorists they fill the streets when the country needs them they side with the enemy. Gawd help us if we really do have to fight another war.

Great action by KS so far no talking, just action. You can't beat having an PM who knows the law inside out. Keep up the good work SK.


One who knows the law as opposed to one who broke it!

No sitting in number 10 coming up with silly pledges, just action. Strip the thugs of benefits and bang em up.

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//Love to see the rioters go down to Brixton, Streatham or New Cross.//


I wouldn't.  Those people, predominately of West Indian and  Christian African extraction would doubtless fight what they regard as a colour issue, but the real problem lies with the rise of Islam in this country, and should that ever come to fruition those warriors would be as alien to that culture as the rest of us.  

I'm very concerned about the huge amount of recent immigration (6 million in 14 years) and the creeping Islamification of our country.  Does that make me 'far right'?

Only if you publicly protest against it...


No - it would make you far right if you got yourself a Swastika tattoo, went out to "protest" but that protest took the form of violently assualting the police and innocent bystanders and looting.

Basically - Rigth wing: Suella, Nigel and Femi

Far right - Tommy...can't think of any others, but this might help:


But this IS a colour issue. 

This was sparked by false information about the origins of the man charged with the murder of those three little girls. I've heard their chants. It's not Islam they have a problem with - it's ALL imigration. It was the same with the NF, BNP and EDL. 

If they have an issue with black and brown faces - let them go and try to spread their message directly.

Peaceful protest is one thing - these are not peaceful protests.


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