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Riots - No End In Sight

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naomi24 | 17:39 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
141 Answers

The Daily Telegraph reports that Keir Starmer is chairing a Cobra meeting tonight but is coming in for criticism for his poor handing of the on-going riots.  Should he recall Parliament?



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SP, if you remember it so well, let's see it.

Ha ha...third horseman is here.

As I said to the fourth one the other day - Islam proscribes certain practices, but all the Muslims I grew up with were 100% blasé about it.

What I've noticed is certain people who will try to set one minority against another. These people don't give a crap about either minority.

//What I've noticed is certain people who will try to set one minority against another.//

specifics please...


Just to be clear - you want me to find the thread right?

Wouldbt it be awesome if I could - unfortunately the search algorithm used on this site isn't that sophisticated.

The search box in my head works so much better.

But seriously the reason I 100% know what you said is because of what you wrote earlier today:

You and I have had this conversation for years - culture verus colour.  


This is a call back to your views on black culture rather than black people.


Everyone else - naomi24 brought race into this at 11.29am. Not me!


Sonw people will try to pit on minority against others.

For instance - I've seen certain types try to stir it up between black people and Jews, Muslims and LGBT people...even West Indians and Africans (but that's going back to the 70s).

The one good thing that's come out of this is the reaction of decent people - the sheer number of anti-racism protesters (all of whom are protesting rather than looting from Greggs) is a very beautiful thing.

// all the Muslims I grew up with were 100% blasé about it.//

Are the Iranian oppressors "blase about it"?

// certain types //



If I said my answer would rightly be removed!


are the Taliban "blase about it"?

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SP, //unfortunately the search algorithm used on this site isn't that sophisticated//


How convenient for you.


//You and I have had this conversation for years - culture verus colour.  


This is a call back to your views on black culture rather than black people.//


That is a reference to culture in general and always has been -  but make it what you will, SP, you always do.  Just remember everyone can read your posts and once again you don't seem to be coming across as terribly convincing, so no change there. 


Not sure how to say this, but I grew up in South London not Tehran, so I can only really speak with authority about my own personal experiences.

I try not to judge everyone by the very worse of their race or religion. And Islamic fundamantalists are the very worse of Islam.

I've always greatly admired people who treat others as individuals rather than a lump group (couldn't think of the right word).

Aren't you like that? Surely you are...when you meet someone, whatever group they belong to - don't you treat them as an individual until you find a good reason to dislike them?


You wrote

Just remember everyone can read your posts and once again you don't seem to be coming across as terribly convincing, so no change there. 

We all come across differently than how we see ourselves.

For instance, you come across as someone who passionately believes in what she post on the AnswerBank and is willing to engage with other, assertively and forthrightly.


Weren't expecting that were you.

I have no great issues with any decent individual of any race, colour or creed. But I do fear that Muslims will kowtow to their religious leaders and eventually impose any and all tenets contained with the Koran if/when they have the power to do so.

To allow them to reach that state in Britain would be a disaster.

sp: "Frankly that's culture vs colour a bogus argument, because if you say "I hate everything about Jamican culture, but not Jamaicans themselves", you're fooling no-one." - Hang on we are always being told the anti semites hate Israel but not the jews. Right oh!


Are you?

I don't have a horse in that race I'm afraid. You're on your own!

Can't let that go uncommented. There are good and bad folk in all cultures and all sorts of coloured skins, but the culture covers the group, so one is perfectly entitled to dislike a culture while at the same time finding the people decent enough.

I'm now coming towards the end of Tom Holland's magnificent book; Dominion, The Making of the Western Mind  and this very morning I read;

"There is no graded scale of essential worth, every human being has etched in his personality the indelible stamp of the Creator. Every man must be respected because God loves him."

Martin Luther King.

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Khandro, what utter tosh.


Sorry Khandro but this statement:

There is no graded scale of essential worth

Some people have greater worth than others. They do better things - they make the world a better place. 

To use an extreme example - can you seriously argue that Mother Theresa was worth no more and no less than Fred West?

Also, the basis of your quote relies on the belief in God, and...

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