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Riots - No End In Sight

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naomi24 | 17:39 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
141 Answers

The Daily Telegraph reports that Keir Starmer is chairing a Cobra meeting tonight but is coming in for criticism for his poor handing of the on-going riots.  Should he recall Parliament?



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It isn't about colour, not sure why you want to make it about colour, sp1814.

It does seems to focus the courts when there's even a slim chance that trouble may soon be marching through the leafier areas that those and such as those inhabit, causing a sudden ability to briskly charge, sit in judgement, pass sentence and whisk off to jail instead of the usual 'trial has been set for October 2025' and no mention of background reports and other delaying favourites of the law.

You most certainly are confused, bednobs.


listen to the chants.

its about immigration and specifically immigrants who are black and brown.

Islam is in there of course...but the protesters are clearly upset by immigration from non-white countries.

Go on social media and have a look.

then enlighten me please:)

the judges remarks in the sentencing of 2 people in liverpoolthat has literally just been on the telly made reference to the southport murders as the reason why.

IMO the harehill riot dosen't seem to be linked to this recent spate - wasn't it romanys demonstrating about removal of children by social services? 


Whicuh leafy areas would that be then?

Unfortunately colour is probably the most obvious way of identifying *possible* immigrants & muslims so it will SEEM like a colour issue whether it is or not.


naomi24 made it about colour at 11.29am.

No she didn't:

//Those people, predominately of West Indian and  Christian African extraction would doubtless fight what they regard as a colour issue,//

It's not about colour. It's about illegal economic migrants & Islamification.

She did - she brought colour into the discussion.

This is the woman believed to be responsible for the riots following the horrible murder of 3 little girls

She made an assumption about the residents of South London some of whom would have been on the receiving end of the kind of hate circulating online and IRL.

The reason these 'protesters' need to go to predominantly black areas is it'll make them behave themselves. 

No looting for a start.

ok sp - you got me - your are right - bloody blacks - let's get them all out !!!!!!!!!



Saw that yesterday. What was she thinking???


I'm certain I haven't "got you" at all!


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SP, //You have said in the past that you have no issue with black people, just black culture//


I don't think I've ever said that.  I don't like some aspects of black culture, but then I don't like some aspects of most cultures.  I could be forgiven for thinking that you love and embrace it all - but I'm willing to bet I'd be wrong.  I can only conclude that your obsession with colour not only exacerbates racism but blinds you to everything else and that you don't have the foggiest idea what I'm talking about.  I only hope for your sake that Islam never succeeds in its purpose because if it does, make no mistake, you will understand then - and I can guarantee you won't like it. 

You ALWAYS try to make it a colour issue sp. I don't know (or care) if you are black or not but either way you have a chip on you shoulder the size of Noah's Ark

Correct Naomi   ...   because although islam is accepting of all racial types it is certainly not in favour of certain practices. As demonstrated wherever they administer the law. I am not talking about alcohol either. 

Not always colour davebro3    ...   threre is another specific subject that triggers him. 


I was going to say you're lying, but instead I'll say you're misremembering the past conversation we had.

davebro3 - not really true. However I won't shirk away from bringing race into the conversation where I think it's justified. Have a look at my past posts to understand.

Race is a factor in politics and the discussion of race shouldn't be downplayed.


I would ask you to check the News section over the past few months. Many questions obliquely concern race. Everyone should have their say

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