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Riots - No End In Sight

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naomi24 | 17:39 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | News
141 Answers

The Daily Telegraph reports that Keir Starmer is chairing a Cobra meeting tonight but is coming in for criticism for his poor handing of the on-going riots.  Should he recall Parliament?



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Here is what I say, no matter what colour, religion,age anyone here who who feels strongly that this country is not what they expected, especially those that have come here with terrorist intentions. I say deport, banish, expatriate them to another country.

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Well said, Sharon.


If you're only referring to immigrants (not the terrorist sort, but ordinary folk - say people who come over for work), how strongly would they have to feel? Would they be allowed to complain about government policy? The trains? Schools? Their salary?

And how long would they have to keep quiet? Would their kids also be under the same control mechanism?


sp1814, I am not referring to immigrants, whether here legally or illegally, I am referring to everyone involved in these riots.

You know they are not rioting because of their pay, education or the trains. Wake up!!!!

The trains - if they were an issue, the whole of Cornwall would be an issue, we would all be up in arms. Imagine - riots in St Just, the Scillies, St. Keverne & Coverack.... Bring on the 11th Army regiment.....look up 1873 in Camborne.

While I agree with your intent Sharon, a vast majority of those involved in the rioting are British by birth. Where do you intend on sending them? 

Is the Rwanda plan still an option?

Bet they, Kigali, regret bcoming a  member of the Commonwealth.....

Mozz, if they're so unhappy with things here, surely you'd think they'll bite your hand off to live somewhere away from all this. Let them name their country of choice!!!

Well said, Sharon.  (Echoing naomi, I see when I look back.)



if youre saying that all those who are protesting (both 'natives' and 'non-natives') should be sent off then I think some would disagree with you - especially those who have you a thumbs up!

Sp1814 Tough!


you wrote:

I am referring to everyone involved in these riots.

Totally agree with you. All the toothless Benidorm-bound benefit-scrounging chavs who we've seen looting the honest hard-working businesses should all go to jail.

Sickened that my national insurance contributions should go to this filth and that certain people can't bring themselves to call them out.

(Not talking about you - referring to the gormless usual idiots that we're seeing crawling out of the woodwork).



What do you think we should do with the rioting looting chavs?


Legally - once served their prison sentence or not, they should do community service where most of the help & repairs are for people they're so against.

Illegally - I would put those seized dinghies at Dover to some use. Load up a boat of these chavs & push them out to sea!



Bloosy hell

You're proper hardcore!

More power to ya!

Geniinely interesting to hear from a fresh voice on the AnswerBank.


SP Unless I've got the wrong Sharon - she's been here for a few years now.

Has she!?

Well whatever - refreshing to hear her voice. The News section has gotten very stale with the same old voices spouting the same opinions in the past couple of years.

Sp1814 yes I've been here a while now but rarely venture into the news section for many reasons.

naomi, //Khandro, what utter tosh//

Proverbs 18: 2

The only issue I can see there Sharon is what country would possibly be willing to take them? 

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