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London Violence

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webbo3 | 12:41 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

Anyone here happy they don't live in our wonderful capital.

Notice anything.



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Sadly, another thread destined to die in its own vomit ☹️.  
I remember when this was a good forum site, before the far right extremists took over.


Looks like Gromit is taking his ball home again.

The term far right extremists  has become such a misused, overused cliche that it's becoming meaningless.

// far right extremists //

Saves me using expletives that would get my posts deleted.

I have paricipated in the Answerbank for over 20 years, and sadly it has changed out of all  Recognition.

And we are keft with the dregs ☹️

No I read you Gromit

The original URL has events from July ( er it is august reader)  - and not just over the  BH weekend. 

TTT et al object to being thrown in the far right corner ( as they consider themselves liberal in the most Liberal tradition) - however as we all know it if looks like a duck, squawks like a duck... then it is a duck


-- answer removed --

Gromit- it was Peter Pedant who brought naomi into this thread unnecessarily with one of his regular digs

we will never know as it has been deleted again. - I wd say the drag, was necessary and sufficient. If you a purloin a phrase or one-liner shouldnt you say who the originator was? as a sort of gracious thank-you

anyway I regularly drag the usual suspects into "debates" frequently praising their wisdom - ow!

There has been far less violence this week end ( rain probably) on the parades and the Far Right here on AB ( no names! no names!) are aggrieved

who was it who said " you lost the election,  suck it up"  - well brexit ref actually

no names, no names


dunno why gromit is turning this into some sort of political thread.

er because the recent violence in London and other cities have a political element. Jesus

free speech TTT free speech - not only for the AB faves

usual nonsensical ramblings from the usual suspect!

Hows this years drug dealing and stabbing festival getting in?

So what were we supposed to notice ?

That London violence tends to happen in London ?

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