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London Violence

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webbo3 | 12:41 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

Anyone here happy they don't live in our wonderful capital.

Notice anything.



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I love the West End - theatreland, museums, and all that - but I wouldn't want to live in London again. 


I left London over 17 years ago and don't regret it for a second - even though I'd now get free tube and bus travel!

What! No crime where you live????

I have not knowingly witnessed a crime - ever. Have you?

^^^       ^^^

well get your skates on and get down to notting hill,you will see lots.

mostly yesterdays news served up as "just happened."

suitable for ABers

No amount of cash or other inducements could make me go anywhere near the Notting Hill Carnival

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Same here^

We have the St Pauls carnival in Bristol and its pretty much the same just on a smaller scale

Yeah just ( June)

door opens and brindle runs out ( it is  a dog) and then a dishevelled woman lands at the door - chucked down the stairs and lands in a heap. She says - " He will kill me"

I dial 999 with my big biscuit barrel fingers and when I look up, there is a naked man standing over her.....

Hello girl darn da nick says - can you describe the man and I say " It is a man and he doesnt have any clothes on"

OAP or oldhamer found that the boogaloo music and swirling breasts particularly got in his way, if he went

A fella drew a knife in a pub ( where I was - perhaps it was a dream) just to "show someone" and punters started jumping out of the windows

ground  floor

the throng splits ( plenty quick) like the wind splitting the corn in a field - which how you know where the knife is. should you um be interested

oh, I took a knife off a man trying to stab a third fella in 1985. I wrote to the chief gaoler at strangways to thank him for his solid year's teaching of jailers-tricks and told him they worked. He had said i wd probably use them just once.

I think Naomis' crushing one liner on that one, was " no you didnt"

No it wasn't.  First I've heard of it, Peter Pedant.  Leave me out of your delusions..

I was not present for this one

but the word on the street was better

two paid gun men went into the Brass Handles. They were disarmed by the drinkers there. And then they were shot, and left on the grass ( large area) outside.

All the  clientele dispersed and rang up cronies to take their places. The CCTV was 'lost'

when the police arrived and said - "there are two dead bodies outside"

the publican replied - "are there ? by golly so there are ! No one here heard a thing." we cant explain it  officer

sozza N., you must have used it in some  other context. 

You er havent ever drunk in the Brass Handles have you? we had a leaving-do there and by common consent, never again. 

Ooooh look, they do have violence in Bristol!!!;atb=v314-1&iar=news&ia=news

Peter Pedant, this is the News section.  Stop your nonsensical ramblings.

-- answer removed --

St Pauls Rd Bristol was always pretty rough ( 1960s). I had rooms off St Michaels Hill Elmgrove Rd.

oops not about London violence..... sorreeeee !

Not a good sign when moderators are trolling posters.   
Not good ☹️ .

Gromit- it was Peter Pedant who brought naomi into this thread unnecessarily with one of his regular digs

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