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Why can't we all get on?

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Emma1984 | 01:36 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | News
126 Answers
I have not been here long but get increasingly frustrated by the unhelpful and almost racist comments of some people on here.

Why can't all the people in this country live in peace. To constantly pick on muslims is very unfair. They only came here for a better life and I think it is the duty of all British people to ensure that they integrate as best as possible.

We should all go along to our local mosque and ask what we can do to help the muslim community. Maybe we could give them financial help or prey along side them to give them some sort of comfort during their hardship due to the narrow minded bigots in this country.

Perhaps it would help if people better understood islam. Maybe it would be good if islam was taught in our schools. I think that this would help us to understand muslims better and make for a better and more understanding society.

If we don't act now, we risk inflaming the extremists muslims. Better to spiritually connect with those that would advocate terrorism and try to lure them away from extremism.


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But I don't feel like dancing! ;0)
sp I got given that the other day, I sold it on ebay, I should have known you were a fan, i would have sent it to you!!!
Sorry for telling fibs guys.

I'm actually with you Admarlow. Send the ******'s back, unless they take of their Jibhabs and stop speaking foreign.
I bl00dy give up...

Does the role of 'voice of reason' become vacant around here pretty often?!
or maybe i'm joking again.
judd give up nobody cares anymore and you have no credability on this site.
You mean 'credibility' don't you?
Hold on...I'll try not to hijack this thread, because there's an important point that needs to be made...

However, admarlow, you should've kept with the album. It's better than the first one.

China Doll. I concur, I don�t feel like dancin�, No sir, no dancin� today.

Serious point - there are only a couple of 'proper racists' on AB, and I would never actually openly call them racists because it's self defeating, in that no-one will ever say, "By Jimminy, he's right...I am a racist...good for me".

It's like when you see a man wearing a wig...even if it's an obvious wig, you should never point it out.

Here endeth the lesson.
Emma, i'm really sorry the way your question/thread has degenerated, I gave my views, and I stick by them, but there's no reason to knock you, or to spout the type of vitriol thats been put on here.
Juddlinski in your own words you have been exposed... m=JulieBurchill&showtopic=44736&st=0

read the posts...
i just love being told all the time how we should intergrate with them when they refuse to intergrate into our society.Can you imagine them coming into our churches. What utter nonsense.I very much doubt they would welcome outsiders into their mosques either.

I am sick to bloody death of hearing about muslims needs, wants rights etc etc. All the time, our traditions, religion, rights etc etc are being taken from us. This is a Christian country and im afraid they are the ones who should understand our values and ways. They are not helping themselves. I cannot imagine going to another country and expecting what they get. Can you imagine us going to live in their countries and having churches built!! No, i didnt think so!

You say about living in peace but its the Muslims who are the terrorists. I dont see them being very peaceful. and no, i know full well they are not all terrorists before i get bombarded but it is that religion that hosts all the suicide bombers of this world. The minute they dont like something, they're out in force on the streets with banners wishing death and burning pictures i.e the pope or jack straw! peace, my eye! No chance when so many are willing to demonstrate the minute someone upsets them!
what a load of boll0cks !

cant say any more than that to such a stupid comment
(original question)
It is very simple. The words of Allah were directly given to the Prophet Mohammed, in Arabic (Koran isn't valid unless it is in Arabic).

There is no question of integration, you don't integrate with inferiors having false beliefs, you convert them. (Note: Force might occasionally be required)

My once dear Britain, it is far too late. I mean that.
I,m just waiting for Emma to visit her local Mosque and report back. Bet my house on it she won,t though.
Well, at least that's better than not going, and saying you did. Eh Bill.
whiffey, how do you know? where you there? and so is the bible only a valid document in latin? if so, I've never read it and don't know anyone who has! and far too late for what!? I'm just as guilty as anyone, but I can hardly believe we're all so hot under the collar, grimacing, grousing and spouting about, what is after all, a great big crock full ! (?)

You opinion is valid, but , like a Barry Manilow album, it's just plain wrong.

You're talking about a significant/insignificant proportion of certain sections of the Muslim communities.

significant/insignificant - meaning a very small, but very vocal group get all the media attention.

'communities' - I say this, because there's no such thing as a 'Muslim community' in the same way that there is no such thing as a 'Christian community'.

Let me put it this way...and I don't know where you live so bear with me...

The Muslim family who open their newsagents shop at 06:00am, where you buy your Oyster card, Daily Mirror, Volvic mineral water etc...what do you think of them? Are they integrating? Or do they make you wear a veil to buy your copy of Heat?

The dentist who you saw last month when you needed a filling? Did he insist that you read from the Koran in the waiting room?

I have to ask this...why on earth would they come to our churches? They know about British society! It surrounds them. It's on's in the newspapers...cinemas...everywhere. They don't need to learn about us because they've absorbed it since they were born (the generations who were born here that is).

You say:

"You say about living in peace but its the Muslims who are the terrorists"

Okay, would it be fair to say that white people are fascists because some support the principles of the NF/BNP?

Would it be fair to say that all straight people are queer bashers because three straight people stamped on Jody Dobrowski's head for no reason other than he was gay?


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