I don't know what you said anotheroldgit, I can't seem to find your initial posting, but I, too, started a thread about these unfortunate twins. I only interest I provoked was against early abortion. I actually feel quite angry that this 18 year old, hardly more than a child herself, wasn't persuaded (not forced, persuaded) to have an early abortion, when, at 12 weeks, the twins' development was minimal. Look what resulted: first and foremost, both the little babies had to go through a gruelling experience, one of them had to die and the parents, too, presumably, were traumatised. And yes, I WILL mention all that mention and expertise that had to be used on trying to save them when NHS resources are already overstretched.
Yes, there is one little baby who has survived and readers may well consider all the expense, trauma and suffering justifies the end - but does it?