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T W A U ... The Chase....from Yesterday.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers

Multiple Choice this time:

What is the more common name for the 'cigar shark'?

A: Hammerhead shark   B: Dumb gulper shark  C: Cookiecutter shark

Answer A: 🤣



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I've never heard of a cigar shark.  I wouldn't know the answer.

Question Author

but you'd know it was hammer head wouldn't you?

Question Author


No.  Not a clue.

I have never heard of B or C. Neither had the contestant, I suspect. Nevertheless, they have to press one button out of three, often with very little thinking time. Why do you have this constant need to sneer at people who contribute to a programme which you obviously enjoy watching?

Is it C?

I think he only watches it to laugh at people who make errors

Question Author

14:35 so you think there are hammer shaped cigars? Right oh! I think my superpower is kicking in again.

Question Author

oh gawd we have the usual lets pretend to be thick mob.

The whole point is not about the answer it's about the silly answer given.

Who thinks there is a hammer head shaped cigar? geddit?

Of course you do !

I'm sure she doesnt think there are cigars shaped like hammers. But it's not a huge leap to imagine that it's shaped like an ordinary shark carrying a cigar crossways in its mouth. Is it?

Question Author

yes it is a huge leap when it is clearly not the answer.

TTT, no one is pretending to be thick.  You're pretending to be smart - as usual.

Question Author

That's why I love these, people who take themselves soooo seriously refuse to join in and have a chuckle. Instead they twist and turn and have a go at me. No one can surely think there is a hammer head shaped cigar that's why that silly answer is there. The other two are plausible so if you don't know guess one of those, if they did it would not be a TWAU.

"yes it is a huge leap when it is clearly not the answer."

It's not clear at all, particularly if you have next to no time to think. B and C might sound like stupid made up names in the heat of the moment. But then we don't all have your enhanced powers of reasoning and photographic memory combined with instant recall.

B and C definitely sound like made up names so you would automatically go for the only one you had heard of.

BTW you made an error yourself @ 14.33!

Question Author

stop digging sunshine I hope you are pretending to be thick.

Ok so what if the question was:

What is the more common name for the 'surf board shark'? By your logic the answer could be hammer head, ie normal shark carrying a surf board in its mouth! Right oh!

🦈🤣 PMSL!

Come on, somebody tell me, what's the correct answer?

If a shark was carrying a surfer in its mouth it might be mistaken for a Hammerhead.

It's C Sandy

I guessed and guessed correctly.

Ta, emeritus 

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