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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening to all members , old and older.

There is yet again no speaker arranged for this week. (I blame the Committee).

Raffle prizes are a little thin at the moment, but no doubt will flesh out as the evening progresses.
So far we have:

A box of wafer thin mints
A roll of tissue paper (white)
Half a packet of sewing needles.

No doubt our usual array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly, courtesy of our dear Matron and the furry butler.

Apologies have been received from Petal who has been transported to a galaxy far, far away.
No word so far of ttfn, who has been so frequently rusticated that I fear for her colouring.


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Good evening your Maj. How lovely to see you again.

However, I must take you to task over the coat-slinging...perhaps a refresher course at buttlins would be beneficial....
Thanks for the prizes.
Anyone got a pair of roller skates ?
I don't know whether you can hear it, but I think my neighbours are suplying the music for tonight. It is very loud. Can hardly hear myself drink, sorry think.
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How very perspicacious of you , Alexanderd. I hadn't noticed that before , but you are correct. The letters of the alphabet are always in the same order...
i can sing happy birthday??
Ah... I take it you've not heard, m'lady? I'm afraid I shall be scootin' orf for MOTD later on, so shall be tearin' round like a fly with an oddly-coloured behind til then!
Question Author
Poor you , dido.

We have 'issues' with our neighbours here at the Club too...the Home for the Bewildered are next door and the security there is a bit lax some Saturdays.
Dido I thought it was the lot from next door here they are a funny lot and best avoided.
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Are you a cricket fan, Maj ?
Suppose I should say thank you for rescuing me with my stuck zip, here you go a large tailcock to get you going.
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SLinky I think your suggestion of singing is most excellent..
Would you mind waiting until we have had a few more tailcocks, though ?
Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while they're hot, they're lovely!

(whispers) matron, are they supposed to be hot?
Your Maj my team got a draw at Liverpool, watched in on the internet, chuffed to bits, I think we could do well this season
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Thought it might have been him with the zip, Mamya....
Are you absolutely certain which way he was 'helping' you with it ?
I prefer the standard grasshopper, m'lady...
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Not the unfeasibly large grasshopper , LIK?
Standards slipping a bit there...
A lady cannot divulge boudoir secrets.

Not hot Maj, are you sat too near the Aga?
LadyA there was a rumour going round this week that Matron and the butler were lovers and Kate was trying to muscle in on the action. Quite shocking for our genteel club I thought
Evening Everyone :)
Hope you are all keeping well??
Am feeling on top of the world this evening :) :)

Now who has the cocktails???? :) :)
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I *think* I may have heard something of the sort, alexanderd.
How shocking.
Kate isn't even on the payroll.
Evening all. Nice to be back. For the waffle I have brought a rather elderly pizza which I found lurking at the back of the freezer

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Mad over fifties Club

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