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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening to all members , old and older.

There is yet again no speaker arranged for this week. (I blame the Committee).

Raffle prizes are a little thin at the moment, but no doubt will flesh out as the evening progresses.
So far we have:

A box of wafer thin mints
A roll of tissue paper (white)
Half a packet of sewing needles.

No doubt our usual array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly, courtesy of our dear Matron and the furry butler.

Apologies have been received from Petal who has been transported to a galaxy far, far away.
No word so far of ttfn, who has been so frequently rusticated that I fear for her colouring.


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Hello Suezy. Welcome. Do try one of Mamya's pep up $. They are delicious.
Hmmm - the lawyers are hard at work!

Allow me, Miss Suezy - it's very Pink...
Now Suezy are you old enough for tailcocks, they are quite strong, I know you qualify under the madness rule but.....
pbear welcome back, what type of pizza ? or has the label gone.
I did check her ID, Matron & it's very, very good...
Question Author
Hello polar bear.

Have you had any word of the iceberg yet ?

Aw milady, that ditty is really sad.... :-(
That brought a tear to my eye milady
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It's a story that's often overlooked....
Evening all.

I see there is an offer of singing tonight.

As the resident bard, I have been composing a wee ditty for the community wailing - it is, of course, most apropos to the events of recently.

The title: The Twelve Days of Rioting.

All together now...

“On the twelfth day of rioting my true love gave to me –

Twelve Judges A-Judging
Eleven Police A-Policing
Ten MPs A-Moaning
Nine Looters-Looting
Eight Kids A-Drinking
Seven Drills A-Drilling
Six Cars A-Burning
Five Diamond Rings
Four Mobile Phones
Three Nike Trainers
Two I-Pods
And a Sony Plasma TV”
applauseapplause, well done that bard - have a drink.
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Wonderful as always, DT.
I do have the pizza label. it says pepperoni and bbe 1999. The iceberg is parked outside. It takes up a lot of room but it does keep the cats out of the garden.
Thank you everyone.
Mamya I will have you know I am not mad...I am dam hahah

Oooh cocktail sounds interesting :)
Question Author
That's marvellous, polar bear. You found the family safe and sound then....I love a happy ending ...
what is the wee tail tonight then and I must catch up on the 'gossup'
Are the 3 nike trainers for Rolf Harris?
Evening milady and everyone Hello dido, I don't think we have met. I'm the atticar.
To celebrate the rugby lads' victory I have for the rifle:
A bunch of leeks.
Six daffodil bulbs, apparently they flower in the spring.
Three ostrich feathers (don't even think of going there).
A tailcock and nibble would make the day complete.
Pink pep up $ in honour of a very entertaining afternoon, that kept us all busy. A resolute and robust number that never gives up.
maj. do you have something to tell me,are you having an affair with matron,is that why you have see through trousers on 'big boy'.d t that is a nice wee ditty,i will sing it with you later,a nice duet.

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