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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
259 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Good evening to all members , old and older.

There is yet again no speaker arranged for this week. (I blame the Committee).

Raffle prizes are a little thin at the moment, but no doubt will flesh out as the evening progresses.
So far we have:

A box of wafer thin mints
A roll of tissue paper (white)
Half a packet of sewing needles.

No doubt our usual array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly, courtesy of our dear Matron and the furry butler.

Apologies have been received from Petal who has been transported to a galaxy far, far away.
No word so far of ttfn, who has been so frequently rusticated that I fear for her colouring.


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boasting again, Maj ...
Of course I had forgotten the mnemonic. And that an elephant's trunk could be substituted for the legal power of a husband!
Question Author
You've got me on the trunk one, Daisy...

Have you found Latin useful during your life ?
veni vidi vici I came, I saw, I gathered some conkers
Question Author
I expect it was treat for him, Alexanderd...something for the legions to do to while away the long hours waiting for more Brits to civilise.
One of them got so bored he built a wall. Well I dont suppose they had bingo or telly in those days
What? No bingo, no telly, your joking, aren't you?
Question Author
They had frescoes, though and need for him to desecrate the landscape in that way when he could have been at home studying his scrolls
M'lady, it may please you to know that I am once again fully-trousered...

Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while they're in English!
Manus milady, also handwriting, armed force, fist, workman.

Often use bits to work out obscure crossword clues. Has made my attempts at Italian easier. Helps with reading tombstones.
They had Tesoco's? Oh Frescoes!
whose scrolls are you studying,may i study them too
I expect he found a couple of stones, put one on top of the other and said "I have an idea"
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Well, I'm sure it is a great relief to us all that you are not longer bare bottomed, LIK.
Don't let it happen again.

I'd absolutely love a tailcock whether it be hot or cold, even would stoop to take an English one...
Won't be a jiffy - I fear Matron's left the oil on a high heat & no-one's checked on the frog...
All Greek to me - Hic!

I have made a small propagator out of those warm plastic trousers, a very good growing medium.
Well you can see it is past my bedtime, so I'll say goodnight all, and thanks for looking after me. Maybe drop in next Saturday if the club is open.
talking about elephants trunks (adapted)

Spraying golden showers,
Picking Alex's flowers.
Moving in Nonna's bed,
Smacking her head.
Getting big cats out of trees,
Whacking you behind the knees.
Holding files,
Throwing a Troll seventeen miles.
Giving a hug,
Squashing Didoat's bug.
Raking leaves,
Catching looting thieves.
Painting a corniche and walls,
Playing along side big balls.
(It's easy to dunk when your penis is a trunk.)
Question Author
Heffalumps had manuses, Daisy...well I didn't know that...swipe me!

I expect they did have Tescos, Dido...or the roman equivalent....Tesci or perhaps Waitrosae ?
Oh I say!! How very anatomical.

Night night Dido.

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Mad over fifties Club

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