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Mamyalynne | 19:59 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
210 Answers
Good evening members new and old.

Once more the drawbridge is down and I am throwing the doors open to you all. Her Ladyship is a little delayed - no doubt high tea has developed into an evening soiree, such is the way with the aristocracy. However I did not want anyone to be waiting outside in this chill damp air.

The buffet sideboard is as usual laden with delights and I have a huge pot of freshly made wild mushroom soup on the Aga.

This week's guest Tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' a real kick-start to the night and does 0-60 erm, very quickly.

My contribution to the Rofl:
4 rolled up newspapers
Empty cookie tin (model of a tractor)
2 pairs of fishnet pop sox (one lilac one lime)

So gather round and we shall have fun.


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Good night, alexanderd.
Have a nice weekend in Manchester (is that a contradiction in terms ?) Enjoy Johnny Mathis, though..
Will attempt not to rust too much in your absence.
Anybody want to play Cat's Cradle?
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Alex wave as you pass by , am very close by.
Good night alex, be well :-)

M'lady - I've piled all the coats by the front door & fear I must take my leave of the proceedings, due to my feeling somewhat poorly...

I bid everyone a good night & safe journey home :-)
Not tonight, Daisy. I'm off to bed now too.
See you all next week, if we'e spared. :-))
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Cats again, there is a theme developing now.
Apologies, Matron...
...It might also be in my own best interest to hide for a while
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I think that may be a good idea, I know where the coats are hidden so all will be well, up bright and early please. Goodnight Maj.
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Another tot Daisy?? they are good aren't they??
Oh go on then. Scrabble seems to have gone bye byes.
If I was in any way clever I'd post a link to Cat's in the Cradle, Harry Chapin.
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Yes my eyes are too weary for scrabbling and there are some sausage rolls left too.
Will partake of a sausage roll and then take my library book to bed. Thankyou.
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For you Meg
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Certainly daisy and a Biker Boot to wash it down - what are you reading at present??
Birds Without Wings by Louis de Bernieres. Not started it yet. Latest for my Reading Group.
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Have heard good things though not read it, my vision is poor now reading has become more difficult.
Thank you mamya, that song is a bit of reflection on my life, no worries though.
Well if that feline has renaged on me I shall make my way to the guest guarters need sleep anyway after that concoction of yours!!

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