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Mamyalynne | 19:59 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
210 Answers
Good evening members new and old.

Once more the drawbridge is down and I am throwing the doors open to you all. Her Ladyship is a little delayed - no doubt high tea has developed into an evening soiree, such is the way with the aristocracy. However I did not want anyone to be waiting outside in this chill damp air.

The buffet sideboard is as usual laden with delights and I have a huge pot of freshly made wild mushroom soup on the Aga.

This week's guest Tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' a real kick-start to the night and does 0-60 erm, very quickly.

My contribution to the Rofl:
4 rolled up newspapers
Empty cookie tin (model of a tractor)
2 pairs of fishnet pop sox (one lilac one lime)

So gather round and we shall have fun.


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Good evening, Miss sibton - allow me to hide your coat - thank you.

The tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' - may I suggest copious quantities & that you steer clear of the "soup"?

♪ Hold a chicken in the air ♪
Apologies your Felineship, I had forgotten your convalescence. Just keep the booze coming my way.
Good grief...
Well, they are sitting in a draught, but happily playing chess.
I've done you a favour Milady.
Now having a little kip on the servants settee.
Flipping mushroom soup, no wonder I haven,t frequentely much lately
Didn't know we had kippers in....looks like a good breakfast tomorrow then...
OOH Thank you LIK and hello all, thank you for you hospitality Ladyalex, must go and dry out by the aga
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♫ Hi ho silver lining, away we goooooooooooo ♫

My Alfie is wonderful isn't he?? Agouti of the year - Butle another brew please.
"Butle another brew please" ??

Certainly, Matron...
Breakfast. Boiled eggs with soldiers! Will swap my boiled eggs for your sodiers. Or sailors, or airmen.
Could be worse, LIK. You might have to cobble...
I shan't need to at all, m'lady - we appear to have a surfeit of cobblers...
Right, I'm off to the bridal suite, shall have a lie in tomorrow will leave my good lady to sort Alex and Joe out. Ha, !! that's Joe off my hands!!
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Men in uniform!!!

♫ There's something about a soldier ♫
Miss meg, may I ask for clarification regarding - "...shall have a lie-in tomorrow" ?
♪ Heart of Oak ♪
Right, this is getting ridicuolous, lions, polar bears, got up too have a wee, flipping walrus outside the guest bedroom.
I give up!!!!
Perhaps we could fry some eggs now instead of boiling them in the morning. Walk out of the kitchen. Alarm goes off. Those gorgeous firemen come back. Lovely uniforms.
Some people might like a walrus view from their room...sniff, huff....
Has anyone seen Matron? I believe her trolley might be needed...

In the meantime - Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em before the soup wears off, they're lovely!

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