Once more the drawbridge is down and I am throwing the doors open to you all. Her Ladyship is a little delayed - no doubt high tea has developed into an evening soiree, such is the way with the aristocracy. However I did not want anyone to be waiting outside in this chill damp air.
The buffet sideboard is as usual laden with delights and I have a huge pot of freshly made wild mushroom soup on the Aga.
This week's guest Tailcock is the 'Biker-boot' a real kick-start to the night and does 0-60 erm, very quickly.
My contribution to the Rofl:
4 rolled up newspapers
Empty cookie tin (model of a tractor)
2 pairs of fishnet pop sox (one lilac one lime)
Mr King, much as I would like to get to know you better I think we shall keep things to a bit of banter for the time being. However, if you would like to whisk me away on a luxurious jaunt I may change my feelings towards you.
alexanderd, there were so many things happening tonight it was like the 1001 Nights here...soup, community singing, swimming, calling out the emergency services...cobbling...I could go on.
Hope sis is OK. Do you skype?