Morning all, I thought I would sign in early as I have been up half the night, not with pains or anything and I wasn't even particularly uncomfortable I just had a whole new array of sensations! I think baby has engaged now, and I hope it stays put!
I woke up at 1:30am and was still awake at 4am, I kept getting tightenings across my belly that would almost pulse and then subside, then begin again. I could feel sensations in, I guess, what would be my cervix. None of them were painful or uncomfortable, but enough to make me aware of what was going on.
Either way, I am shattered so I am going to have some breakfast (that was the funny thing too, when I woke upI was absolutely starving despite only having had dinner before going to bed!) and then have a bath and probably go back to bed for a nap.
Lorry, we have the same problem re cats in the moses basket, I have had the baby's room door closed up for weeks since I washed everything in there because I can see thecats getting ocmfy in there. And reference to lists, I am that sad that in the chest of drawers for baby's clothes I have arranged them in size order i.e. top drawer is newborn, 2nd drawer is 0-3, 3rd drawer 0-6, etc. The bottom drawer is blankets. Obviously. LOL
Hope things are all ok for you xx
Red - do you think babyRed has turned now?