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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 04th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
219 Answers
The club is now open

The lost property box is almost completely full this week...mainly it contains ladyalex's memory.
There are also some woolly thongs, half a yard of knicker elastic and several assorted pills.

There will be a raffle tonight, but no, repeat no tombola.


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hope hes not used me camphor oil i use on me neck it will sting his chaps no end
I've won I've won I've won

It's a first well it was sixth but a first for me to win

Thanks Ladyalex - I'll share them with my elephant - he looks so intelligent with his glasses he must be a she - an elephantana???

mamalynne I've got your feathers - aichoo - aichoo - aichoo - I did have them - I'll get them again and thanks for my elephantana - he will be joing Humprehy next week I hope they get along.....

Not sure what sort of a long but better than a short
they cant interbreed can they?? what would that be a camellie or an ellmel
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This is most confusing.
i do not seem to have won anything this week. How has this happened ?
Cath,your elephantana has done a ton on the road outside. I didn't know they could move so fast.

is it time for our night sedation yet?
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a camephant perhaps, or just a pachyderm with a hump ?
oooh do be careful how you open the lost property box a shy retard may jump out and scare you;)

mock all you want, water off a duckys back.pmsl.
Phew just had to shovel it all up - some people are so rude I offered it to some people for �2 a bag to put on their garden and they said something I couldn't understand and drove off..... when their rhubarb doesn't grow they'll be back begging.....

Oh yes now what shall I call my little pet?

I think I might need sedation now.......

Come on all hop on ellie's back and we can go to the chippy and on the way back cause havoc outside the local watering hole

goes out singing Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good bye to the...
yes sedation good thinking trolley on its way
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wait for me......
Soz, fell asleep under the kitchen sink, have I missed any thing? Did I show myself up before I dropped off?
did someone say a key in lost prop maybe the one to the shed haven`t checked in there for weeks
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the silent clubhouse echoes to Miss Meg's voice....aheeeah
There's nobody here and it's dark.....wah wah wah waaah
Miss Meg you? No well to be honest what with the feathers floating around the bouncer running away me winning a prize and taking delivery of a pink elephant it's been so busy.

Have another jellybean cocktail we're off to the chippy on the back of my pink elephant conmign with us?

Sat 04/07/09

Oh yes now what shall I call my little pet?

Come on all hop on ellie's back and we can go to the chippy and on the way back cause havoc outside the local watering hole
i dont think we need to vist the watering hole most have been in it any way its called the marina.pmsl
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The clubhouse also echoes to cath's voice...aheeah, aheeah.
Wooo, woo, woo
Khoey ????
ooh the marina we could look for some yachty typed how posh
types hic shorry

Not sure we'd be allowed in the marina

Ladyalex do you have any connections?

mamalynne I've got your feathers now hope you manage to finish the pillow for next week's raffle....

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