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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 04th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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The lost property box is almost completely full this week...mainly it contains ladyalex's memory.
There are also some woolly thongs, half a yard of knicker elastic and several assorted pills.

There will be a raffle tonight, but no, repeat no tombola.


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Slurp, slurp..... begining to get over the robbery.
"If you`re not nuts don`t bother"
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Nothing succeeds like us without our dentures
I 'm not sure about nuts will they be covered in chocolate?

Do we have a speaker this week? And what is going on in the cupboard under the stairs? I can't see any men in there

Were they stolen in the robbery? Bad enough taking our memories, minds and marbles but the men well it isn't on.

Ladyalex we must write to the mp and the Times and the queen to protest
Sorry i donated them to the sally army they were getting a bit frayed around the edges
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Don't worry about the cupboard,'s just Miss Meg and Humphrey the camel. I expect she's shovelling again.

Will we write to Gordon ? Do you think he would be sympathetic ?
Write to MP, first things first, we need to advertise for the bouncer, how much clerical work can we do?
Gordon as in Gin???? Yes I think so I love Gin and we might get a few free bottles.....

Did you enjoy your rummage? And was it a double?

Can I win something in the raffle tonight as I'm upset

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Isn't clerical work what we have the men in collars for ?
I'm getting confused. I think I need another drink.
wassup cath dont be oopset have another cocktail
Have cleared up Humphrey's doodos, wer'e off for a walk, anyone coming?
where we off the cippy i hope am ravenous now
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Is it dark yet ?
If it is, remember Humphrey's High Vis gear and your flashing lights
chippy mean chippy not tipsy yet hic
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Mine's a bag of chips and a gherkin...or a wally as I'm told the commoners call them.
Count me and Humphrey in, Caththe crazy, why are you upset, hope it's nothing to do with the camel, he's mine!!!!
I will get the stepladder and put blue lights on his hump/s is he bactrian or dromedary ?
well mamalyne I wanted to take a photo of the cheese in my fridge as you do - they are like family and jsut as I was going to snap I thought I have to make them smile but what could I say - it couldn't be cheese could it?

I was so upset I hadf to pop them back in the fridge and it's all gone down hill since......

no men in the cupboard and no dentures and I'm out of sorts not even wet the floor tonight did you notice? Not like me is it?
oh cathy no dont be sad take artistic pics of the cheese far posher and here have my teeth and are you dehydrated perhaps with this weather, have another tipple then you may pickle
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I think you must be dehydrated, cath. Have a nice sit down and a cup of something.
We'll be doing the raffle later.

I really don't think you shoudl call Humphrey a bacterium. It's not kind. Camel's have feelings too, you know.

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