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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:59 Sat 04th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
219 Answers
The club is now open

The lost property box is almost completely full this week...mainly it contains ladyalex's memory.
There are also some woolly thongs, half a yard of knicker elastic and several assorted pills.

There will be a raffle tonight, but no, repeat no tombola.


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what about a nice fat saveloy from chippy that will cheer anyone up
Poor you, that happens to me all the time, is this the first time you've experienced this. I would advise gettingb a camel, it helps a lot
Thought hump still had his earmuffs on he looks cute in those didnt mean to offend
Ahh I would borrow your teef mamalynne but the porpoise has just grabbed them and swum to the bottom of the tea urn with them

Is your outfit moulting? as there seems to be a trial of feathers

I'll have a large one and soon my cup will overfloweth

I know Humphrey is yours MM no worries - he is rather sweet though especially his eyelashs shoudl we get him some of that diamond mascara to show them off?
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I'm sure he will be fine about it....
Shall we all go out to the chippy tonight instead of just sending someone ?
We could walk in a crocodile.
Humphrey had earmuffs on, someone offended me, don't understand. Any more cocktails going, please throe one my way!!
more animals? we shall rename it the over 50`s zoo
three? one for the crocodile too
cathy could you colect my feathers love and i will stuff a lil pillow ive knitted will do as a raffle prize
I will look for a lady camel and we could start a breeding programme

Is there any books on buying camels in lost property?

Or maybe in the chippy they will have one they seem to have many things

or should I get a pink elephant

I coudl take him out when the pubs were closing and people would think they'd had one too many....

I think I might need medication before we go out...

Meant no one offended me, me and Humphrey are off to bed, another good Saturday night at the club!!
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Well, time for teh raffle.
Prize number one, the packet of chocolate peanuts with hardly any chocolate sucked off, goes to ticket number ( as usual)

Prize number 2, the bottle of tonic wine..goes to ticket ( as usual)

Prize number 3, the Andrews Liver Salts goes to ticket number...yellow (fooled you all there !..yellow, liver salts, liverish, geddit ?...oh never mind.
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Good night MM and H.
If by any chance you have won any of the raffle prizes, i will take them.
I win again what alucky day
I've won the 6th prize what was it? I had a ticket - it says

If you do not collect your garments within 6 months the company reserve the right to sell them to recoop their costs

So what have i won?

And why could Tom the bola come? Is he in West Indies on tour with the other cricket boys?
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We haven't drawn the 6th prize yet, but I'll do it now.
The sixth prize , a packet of corn plasters, goes to ticket number,cath

Tom Bola is a gauchon. he's not in the West Indies, he's on the Pampas, oiling his chaps
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Sorry, meant a gaucho. He's still oiling his chaps, though.
thought you said no pampers only tenas am confussed now need a top up
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Tom's on the have the tenas on...I hope.

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