In her Ladyships absence, I in my position as ancient retainer and matron and of course cocktail bar manager welcome you all. Lost property is quite low this week and consists of
half a bag of peanut brittle 3 lace doileys and a butterfly net
please claim or they will be added to raffle prizes, which so far consist of
12 lavender bath cubes A foot file 2 40 watt energy saving light bulbs (too dim for me)
Miss Meg I thought a commodore was a bird - I feel like I'm flying - you know that carpet on the upper lower less hall in the main wing I think it is a magic one - let's go fly it....
goes out singing let's go fly a kite and falls over tumbling down the stairs into...
I think a little levity is called for on this forum.
Let us all stop and think for a while to ponder over the absence
of our dearly beloved patron, my Ladyalex.
also give thanks to mamyalynne for so nobly stepping
into the breach.
Long may this club reign.
thank you , love you all, Roger.
Evening mamya Ooohps i mean your Ladyship i believe i reside in the same town as you? So could i offer my Chauffeuring service (In my Stretch Robin Reliant). For all your members who may be a little tipsy later. After attacking the pearl barley & cooking sherry LOL p.s This is a totaly free service Honest LOL