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Mad Over Fifties Club

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boxtops | 21:17 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
170 Answers
Dear members, I am standing outside in the drizzle with the leek and potato soup, and my crusty bread is going floppy. Is anyone attending tonight?


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yes one more tincture for courage, all for one and everyone for theirselves HIC!
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Hey hey - can we regroup a minute? are we flamethrowering/weedkillering the mutant carrots, and just harvesting the parsnips and turnips ? I think we should be told, before we leave (and the rain's just set on as well, so there will be slugs out there too).
Do you think we should have a vote ?

I vote flamethrow the carrots and parsnips, scythe the turnips
I second that, whatever it was(hic)
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Scything won't do much for the turnips milady, it'll only take the tops off, it'll leave the damned things in the ground all lumpy-like...
Hadn't thought it through.

weedkill the turnnips, then.
Pass the benedictine.
dont fancy slugs, horrible things
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Forgot to say, I;ve got the shotgun in the boot so I could bring that along if you think it would help ?
I'll bring the tailcocks through to heat you all up after the flamethrowing
I second that emoshun LOL
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I know you brought the stuff, alex, but are slugs marginally better than spam, if push comes to shove?
Is the wedding reception in the club mamy??, I'll get my best frock on
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How'd you do that, mamyalynne - spamalot in australia? (actually it looks like weds, weds...from this way up -. perhaps you're updating your diary? (or have you fallen to the floor through over-benedictine-ing, I know I have missed some of the action tonight!)
Is someone getting married ?
I do like a wedding.
I've got a fascinator.
Surely we're not having spam sandwiches at the reception...... spam volly vonts surely
sorry think the monkish brew went to my head then!!
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I could have brought a mean root vegetable curry to the running buffet for the wedding, but someone's just cremated the entire stock in the storeshed. Should we tell someone?
Who is getting married ?
I think I should be told.

You're not marrying a fiend, are you , Mamya ?
I thought you and the son -and -heir .....but then perhaps that was wishful thinking....
spam fritters are nice should I rustle some up?

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