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Mad Over Fifties Club

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boxtops | 21:17 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
170 Answers
Dear members, I am standing outside in the drizzle with the leek and potato soup, and my crusty bread is going floppy. Is anyone attending tonight?


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Have the killer veg gone or have I to break out the dynamite
Is it a funeral now ?
Who's died ?
I've left the spam volly vonts in the upstairs hall thats downstairs at the end of the corridor, could someone take the carrots and parsnips back to the garden, wheres the weedkiller, the place is full of slugs!!!! I need this place *** and span, has the band arrived yet??
Rustling ?
Do we have cattle in the grounds as well as alien carrots, imitation parsnips and lumpy turnips ?
are we having a dance I practiced my dashing white sergeant
I don't think we ban anything here, atsgran.
Why do you want to ban someone ?
Why is my word being banned!!!!!
Oh milady, please no tell the son and heir I am still most eligible and a great darner of socks
I'm here now, had a lot of trouble getting out of my restrictive garments. Have had no water al day, I'm parched. Flipping united utilities!!
forget the water missmeg have a tailcock
Question Author
Meg, it's good to see you - it's barking mad here tonight and one of the members is being censored for being houseproud. I don't know if there is any soup left in the pot but everyone is covered in mud and - well, you'll see for yourself. I don't know what the decorators would think to see their hard work all stooried-up with the veg stocks.
ty mamya, thats good, looks busy here tonight. Is there special entertainers?
no Miss Meg we have been invaded by alien veg but it is all sorted now so Lets have a drink
knock, knock, 'tis a traveller from afar !!
an' it please your ladyship, O'm not an alien !!!
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Alex that's the best idea we've had all night. There's still some gin left from last week. What time are we locking up tonight (or should that be locking in?)
seekeerz! welcome !

Are you upside down ?
How lovley to see you.
seekerz long time no see, hope all is well
Is that the veg socks that ,mamy's been darning, think I've had too much soggy crusty bread tonighs

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