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boxtops | 21:17 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
170 Answers
Dear members, I am standing outside in the drizzle with the leek and potato soup, and my crusty bread is going floppy. Is anyone attending tonight?


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sorry,m'lady, I got shut in the under/over toilet and couldn't make myself heard - like the colour choices though !!
Take it you're sober then?
NO way !!
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Mamyalynne, have you gone upstairs yet ? I can provide backup if you need it (though I know you have rapport with his Loship). Just mind the stairs, you are full of tailcock and soup.
Good evening, boxtops - nice to make your aquaintance and likewise slinkykate
I shall manage boxtops have taken off my high heels and put me slippers on and he`s putty in my hands really
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My pleasure too, seekerz - how are the antipodes this sunday morning (just so we are prepared when that time reaches here)? This evening has been hectic to say the least.
Katy of course you can have a tailcock or two and the Sarge answers to anything especially since the "incident"
now, mamy - you take care and don' you go trying to lift 'im, not with your back an' all
they're looking not too bad, boxtops - though warming up again - 38d for Ozzie Day, Tuesday - there'll be a few hangovers after that one !!!
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Milady I'm going to have leave soon, I'm on the bench tomorrow, need some semblance of a clear head - the case I am hearing relates to vegetable arson, never heard of it meself, it must be a country pursuit. Someone's nicked the soup pot, anyone seen it lurking?
Oh I never lift him, he`s very cooperative
I'm afraid that I will have to leave you all now. I really am going to sleep.
It has all gone very well tonight, barring a few misunderstandings.

Please don't let the mutant veg get into the house. Look after yourselves and I'll see you all in a fortnight. (Out gallivanting next weekend.)
Thanks everyone.
Thank you all, very confused a usual, still no water in Wigan, tailcocks have quenched my thirst. Boxtopsxx Steffxx Mamya and her ladyship, what would we do without you? Nite, nite, Wendyxx
you just snap your fingers, he rolls over and plays dead does he ?? whoops sorry, no that's the dog
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Night night all, I am off into the night,soup pan in hand - safe journeys home - hope to see you next week (except mr & mrs milady, have a good gallivant).
Oh meg I am in Bolton is the water shortage heading my way?

Seekers no you are right the dog does the roll overs, but his lordship is better at Stay
Night milady all beds are warmed

Night boxtops thanks for hosting us tonight

I shall endeavour to open next weeek
oh please - I give up - why is there a water shortage - ypu've all had about 20 feet of snaw - what gives ???
good night to all those leaving - safe journey home. Mamy, do you need a hand to tidy up ??

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