There have been some recent reports of damp patches on the upstairs grand landing. The cleaning staff have been working overtime to overcome this problem, sadly without complete success.
Members are , therefore, requested to be extra careful with the waterworks.
Members are also respectfully reminded that Rule 7 still always applies.
The Committee has been made aware of some breeches .
I completely agree about Rule (*).
If Members feel that they must look it up, you all know where the rule book is kept.
whispers....I think we're OK about the Incident with the press, Mamya. The minute books for that year were burned in one of our many fires. No one need ever know.....
Phew!! if the vicar ever found out imagine, ahem!!
Well here are the nibble, wild mushroom (no not magic) voltra vons, deep fried camembert bites and filo wrapped chilli prawns (Mercia eat yer heart out haha)
ooh chilli prawn please, what tailcocks have we tonight please? That one with Buttercup syrup was a gas - I have no idea what else was in it but it cured my cough.
okey dokey my darlings, i can take a hint and will not dare mention rule (*) ever again.
are we having any nibbles this evening or is it rude to ask? i could just suck on a salty pretzel after that brandy, i do find brandy makes me, hungry.
Just checking in ( please note colonial usage there !) I too have been away. Mr. C and I travelled to the sunny climes of our European cousins of the Italian sort. My word Capri was vair vair full of sugically enhnced bodies. Mr. C could barely lift his eyes from the chesticle regions. He is having a quiet lie down in a dark room to recover. May I purchase a number blue ticket for the non-raffle . I enclose 2 euro ( hardly used)
evening all,sorry I'm so late,broke down on my final lap inF1,safe as to say,failed,yet again,to get pole in tomorrows race,so'll be off to the Klondyke searching for long lost relatives on my native American side.have an old telly for the non raffle
I'm so glad to see everyone again. Even though we had a great time, I did miss my club-mates.
I think I'll have a chilly prawn, please. (Are they very cold ?) and a tailcock.....not my usual pernod and baileys tonight, I believe I will try the buttercup one.
Good evening boxy, I hope you are well, can I pass you a tailcock and some nibbles? You'll have to excuse me but I've brought my hot water bottle, took a little dive on the main street yesterday, we have workmen building a new bus station and the paving is uneven. Good job I had my flesh coloured bloomers on. My hand is rather sore and painful today, not to mention my leg. I'm still able to get about though. Perhaps another tailcock will numb it for a while.
Here's what I have watching . Well not this exactly because this was filmed in other years, but my word, these guys are good and all the bikers are so lovely. Come back soon .