I have never looked at this company before but I've just opened their website and it opened on air fryers. The very first one is a 4.5L air fryer by Homcom (who?) with a big 'sold out' sticker... ...
Bit of an odd question but ... where can l buy some socks (not thick winter ones) that don't shrink in the wash and are nice and soft and stretchy to put on ? Probably not 100% cotton. Thanks... ...
I'm thinking there will be quite a few on here who will be familiar with wheelchairs (not electric) so would be interested in your views. Mine will have to live in the boot of my car. I doubt I... ...
I notice some of these charity shops especialy Barnardo's are in fact dealing in brand new items that have been bought in direct from manufactores. If they are using the funds from goods that have... ...
The problem. My elderly mother has a carer who comes in partly to plate up her evening meal, but this require Mum to put her ready meal in the oven at the appropriate time. With her advanced years... ...
I worked at Take 6 menswear from 1972 to 1986 when they were sold. I married a girl from stock control in 1979, still married to the same girl. I would love to hear from anyone who worked there... ...
Before you judge or comment I had spare money I changed to pounds and put in my account and these have been hanging around in my wardrobe for ages and been... ...
I am looking for something akin to 'setting lotion' to use on my hair before blow drying. After blow drying my bobbed hair, the shape lasts for one day and after a night's sleep, is an unruly... ...
This isn't really an advert, more of a " did you know that such a thing existed" post. https://the-yorkshire-scent-co.sumupstore.com/products?page=2 🚉 ...