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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
we all have crosses to bear... but the lucky ones have ticks as well, neti
am watching Father Brown, thanks woofy!
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haha, I've got a big question mark.

Poor Mousey, I hate tics, horrid things. If you do find it, can't you smother it with vaseline's supposed to suffocate them and they let go and drop off but I don't know if it really works.

Yes, I'd like to live in an art deco house too....I'm visualising myself lolling in my mirrored boudoir as part of my stay positive plan Lottie... :)
I love the snake chest, really beautiful.
Evening each. I'm feeling a lot better today thanks everyone. Went to bed at 9 last night settled down to sleep and I got a phone call from a friend I speak to every Christmas. We were on the phone for about half and hour.
Anyway I still feel better today. and went to the Work Shop. I am now on my 6 monthly open appointment with Carlos but have to go next Tuesday for a review at the Work Shop and occupational therapy depart.
Hope your appointment goes ok Shaney.
Good to hear you're looking up bit Lottie. I think the talk you all had about dolls houses gave us something to think about. I'm sorry to say I can't remember ever having one to play with I was a bit of a tomboy so probably never did. I was always out climbling trees and making dens in the felds near us. They have all been built on now but they were good times and I have good memories.
My lovely Brother now infoms me he might stay until Sunday. He has some work on Monday he will have to go then. I came home to a very tidy house bless him. He didn't run the Dyson round so I'm off to do it myself :~)

Laters 'gater(s)

Hi jude, you sound a bit better too, what is this work shop, are you making furniture !

Nice having your bro there isn't it?
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Hi Jude, I'm pleased you're feeling better...don't go cleaning at this time of the day, it's too dark to bother! I did the fishing with a net & jamjar, den making and go cart building thing as well as girly things.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm all dotted out now so I've put something cheerful in music.
Me too, love tree climbing, and swinging over streams on a rope (the thought of it terrifies me now). In fact mum said I looked better in jeans and sweaters than in dresses, but only on casual days, Sundays etc I had to wear dresses, hats gloves and the rest! The 6 of us (at the time) used to spend hours up on the South Downs killing enemies in the war! I was usually the enemy and had to die many times and roll down hills, ha ha the very thought!
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oh no, I see your new position's soon turned you into a with yer 'ed...

> > > >
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Here we go again, it's snowing hard. I doubt I'll be able to get the bins out tomorrow and if it's really bad they probably won't come anyway.
I only dress to suit my (very important ) position of Ibiza Editor!!!
hello all, i was a city tomboy so spent most of my time doing stuff at home or in battersea park once i was old enough to go alone.
We went into town today and the boys had hamburgers. We have serious snow forecast for tomorrow and possibly the weekend so i panic bought some cherries.
Oh well done woofy, cherries are always the first thing to buy when panic sets in!
hello, who's the fan dancer fannying around? What new position is that? Well, Sky have finally restored my internet connection but I don't really have anything to say. It's supposed to snow heavily tomorrow, but that only means up to 5cm thanks to the sultry microclimate around here.
Neti is the Mod without portfolio for any posts originating from Ibiza. The ed sed.
I felt that I should panic buy something and the cherries looked nice.
I also panic bought this sweater;pf_rd_i=0&;pf_rd_p=321381407&pf_rd_s=center-3

but i had to get it online because they hadn't got my size in store.
oh, that's excellent, congrats neti, let me know when you delete your first one and we can have some prosecco. Does your realm extend to cover Sqad?
Have just watched Blandings, a jolly good egg say what!

Nice sweater woofy but I would need something bigger all round and longer!

jno Prosecco is Italian, and the cider we get over here is very weak and sparkly. The real stuff from Andalucia is flat and very potent, steer well clear.
lolneti, that's the stick woman size will be errrmmmmm roomier.
stickwoman will like that one then!!

Just watched The snowman and the snowdog, big lump in my throat, so lovely!
Italian, Spanish, it's all continental rubbish, isn't it. Better off with some nice Sussex stuff

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