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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
oight oight all.
very pretty, shaney. Is the sea frozen over? You could skate to Rotterdam for the dam
Morning, all wild and woolly here but temps are 16º, just done the weekly shop and aten brekkie in a cafe with Mr N. My barnet doesn't look so good today, looks awfully normal, don't like it! I'll give it a couple of weeks and then have it slashed to something different!

Am off for a walk along the wild prom with my mp3 and hopefully my hair will blow into another style!

Ibiza ed is on weekend leave!

Dear sarumite still sends me the xword so will sit and tht this afternoon and catch up with Corrie and EE! Think Mr N will be home and grabbing the tele as he can't play in these conditions!
I swear this is not my bad typing but something isn't working on my keyboard!!!
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Morning all...oooooh shivers ....16C?!! We're not even in plus figures.

Lovely pic shaney, it looks lovely so long as you're safe and warm, I wouldn't want to be stranded anywhere.
Actually the snow didn't get any worse after about tea time, the road where I live is clear, there's snow on the pavements but it's been trodden down. My garden was quite deep this morning though and the foxes had been running through it. I put out fresh water, topped up the feeders and the table and I've been watching the birds feasting like fury, it's lovely. I've got so many goldfinches now and until a year or so ago I didn't have any.... I even had a quick chat with a squirrel :)

Woofy re the pics - I usually search google images with the word funny + the subject.... I don't think the search facility is as good as it used to be though.
snow busy melting here... ther are pawprints over our lawn, I think they're too small for polar bears but maybe it was just polar squirrels.
morning all, its white and slippery here so we are having a snoozy morning. Must go out and top up the bird food in a mo.
A quick good morning. I have been lying in bed just relaxing. Forced myself to get up and get on. Bed is the only place where things don't hurt.
Lovely picture from Shaney.

Grey here and miserable today. Some dripping going on outside so it might be above freezing!!! Meggie and Mr LL have disappeared into the snowy fields.

See you later xxx
Hello all
Grey day here ,still very cold and snowy .Roads like glass.
My eldest brother has passed away .I've known for some time he was dying But he's at peace now .He had numerous health problems these last few years but what got my Dad got him in the end ( asbestos related ) but he had a longer innings and made 84 .
My condolences Shaney. May your brother travel safely home.
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Oh shaney I'm so sorry you've lost your brother, that's such sad news but, as you say, he's at peace now. xxx

I've had enough of winter now.
I'm sorry to hear that, shaney. But that's a good age for anyone (I don't expect to make it), and for someone who's had asbestos problems, it's an excellent one.
Dear shaney, I am so sorry to hear of your brother's death, so sad, but as you said, he is at peace now. You look after yourself! x
Yes he had a long and mostly happy life ,eight children and lots of grand and great grand children .
He was a lovely brother .I'll miss him .In spite of the fact I have never seen him ( in the flesh) since he came home shortly before my Dad died we've always been in touch .He was always there for me even if it was at the end of the telephone and letters and of course as time went on the internet and webcams .
I always hoped he'd escaped the asbestos killer .They both worked on the power stations years ago in the tunnels which were full of the stuff .
He's left his body to medical research so there will be no funeral .My Sil will get the ashes and she hopes that she can send some home for us to scatter.
Thanks for your kind words xx

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ooh, 8 children, they were a busy family. It's awful when another piece of your family jigsaw comes apart. I'm sorry he had health problems to endure but maybe 84 was his time shaney. My mum was 80 and we'll never know how much longer, if any longer at all, she might have gone without the breast cancer. It would be lovely if we could all go quietly and peacefully to sleep without our bodies being racked with some terrible illness.
"The most common age at death in England and Wales in 2010 was 85 for men and 89 for women"

Bodies do run down. Once you've passed the age of childbearing and childrearing your genes start to switch off their regeneration systems, as all they're interested in is reproducing themselves. (Scientists are busy trying to find the switch, to see if they can stop it happening.) So I guess our 80s are as much as any of us can expect unless we're really lucky.
My mum died at age 72 with pancreatic cáncer, and now my sister is 72 and under a death sentence, but she is fighting it every which way and is doing very well. I'll be happy to go at 89, by then hija should be standing on her own two feet!!!
Condolences Shaney xxx

Shaney. Apologies, but I can't remember. Was your brother in Australia?
Thanks Lofty .
Yes he lived in Australia .He was one of the ten pound pommies .

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