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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
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Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
I have been enjoying ginger wine tonight. The heating is on and I am well wrapped up but still cold.
Oh I know Bolney well, used to drink and eat at the Bolney Stage, very acceptable!!
I 've only has 2 glasses from my ginger wine, but it'll last til next xmas!
They make wine near where I live but its dire stuff :-( and very expensive
well, I've been out and panic-bought some oranges and yoghurt so I am ready for anything Mother Nature can throw at me. I also got some Colgate sensitive stuff, so thanks for the recommendation, we'll see if it keeps the dentist away.
I am fed up with waiting around. I want it to SNOW.
No snow here .Just freezing conditions and freezing computers .Bah .
Hope you are all Ok though and keeping warm .
I love the art deco dolls house.
I still seem to be alive .Bloods all good ,except liver which is slightly raised .I have to eat less fat .Hmmm..that means less chs on tst and more sardines .My cholesterol is 6 which I don't think is too bad but have to have 40mg Lipitor daily .You can't win once they get you in their clutches .
Oight Oight .
I just posted an oight, oight here on here about 10 minutes ago and it disappeared!!

My cholesterol is 6. It was 5. Doc. is happy with 6. Daft ain't it, Shaney.

I shall pack up some snow tomorrow and send it down to Woofy!!

Oight oight xxx

Shaney six is fine. The med level used to be 8 but the statin manufacturers got their claws into GP's. Glad your bloods are good though. I don't actually mind if it isn't going to snow, its just all this shilly shally weather that I mind. It interferes with walking the dogs and I am continually on tenterhooks about the tortoises.
Cholesterol and Statins seem to be the in thing with a lot of GP's. The drug companies must be making a fortune. Fortunately, my GP is in the Sqad school of thinking.
I am of the sqad school of thinking and my GP (who is lovely) knows better than to disagree with me.
I saw how Mr LL suffered with so many pains when he first had statins. The last thing I need with all my problems is more aches and pains!! Shaney, do you think you could get a second opinion about statins, because I know how much pain you are in too.
my GP put me on statins, but another one took me off them when I turned up some months later with aching arms. She went through my files and said she had no idea why I was on them in the first place as my cholesterol seemed to be fine. I have no idea either.

Actually, I do: it's because my GP is completely useless. But if I changed, how do I know anyone else would be better?

Well, I am pleased to have put the faithless jose luis behind me as I now have an enchanting letter from my intended Dmitriyeva:

"Hello, my dear far friend! Thousands of miles separate us, but there is no borders of my love and my hope to look for my strong and reliable half - my beloved.
I’m charming, cheerful and kind lady with good sense of humor. I am looking for a permanent relationship. I need only one man in my life and I dream to meet a reliable man. My partner should be attractive, witty and independent.
He must be who win my heart. It is a person that I can rely on."

Who could resist such passionate sentiments? Actually, I thought the first sentence said "dear fat friend", which showed how well she knew me.

If I find she has been writing to the Ibiza Editor as well, I shall be cross.
jno. You are obviously renowned for your beauty and charm world wide. Nobody wants me :o(
Nobody wants me either Lottie. Bang Ki Moon wants to give me money though. Still no snow here but the rain is freezing. Oight oight all.
Morning all, I am getting Mr N's cold! Sunny ish morning. Our cholesterol is measured in 200, so have no idea what you lot are on about.

No no more from jose luis but many from others, but I am so overwhelmed that I just delete them all immediately, it causes less heartbreak that way jno!
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oh booger, I've just spluttered cereal and milk up my nose and all over my keyboard and screen at jno's "Dear fat friend"

Morning all, nothing to shout about here yet, (apart from my hip, I've been awake since 5 with that) the snow's only up to the sparra's ankles again. Bloomin drafty in here though, it'll be that diva wafting around.

Oh no, not less chs on the pie chart shaney...send any surplus to me please, I'm down to my last mousetrap.

Lovely jumper woofy....Good thing I'm wearing lots of layers, I threw this bra in the machine instead of hand washing it, it's one of those moulded ones and now one side looks like it was moulded on a lemon squeezer and the other on a rice krispie cake.

Well a boxful of polystyrene cheesy puffs has arrived and somewhere in there were the mini world accessories :) I'm pleased with them and will order again. I asked for a catalogue too, I don't know about you but I love to browse through real pages, you get a better view of things.

Morning all
Loads of snow here !
Hope you are all safe and warm .
I'll have to take these statins as I have to go back end of Feb for a retest and if it isn't lowered I will be lectured .I'll see how it goes .Ones I've had before gave me muscle pain which is why I stopped taking them .These are a different one .
My SiL was on 80 mg of the stuff after her heart attack and they made her feel dreadful but she's on 40mg now and feels OK .

Lo Jno ...I never get any love letters ....only bills !
Morning all

Robi's bra before she washed it in the machine!!

Seriously, I wear molded bras too on occasions and once they are demolded they don't half look awful under T shirts!!!

Son has just picked up Mr LL and they have gone off to split some logs. Lucky them - not!! Son showed me picture on his mobile of his car temp. gauge when he left work work at 7.30am yesterday minus 13 degrees, brrrrr.
Gosh If I wore a moulded bra I wouldn't get in the house, there'd be no room! Off to hairdressers, but those in the Chatterbank office think I'm on a coffee break, keep schtum!

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