Crosswords0 min ago
Lavender Oil
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.
http:// www. baldwins. co. uk/
Baldwin' s of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
17:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Lunch break...sun's out and the birds are queueing up for the facilities. It must be freezing in there first thing and they have such tiny little bodies, it beats me how they keep warm.
Hellooo shaney me old china...ash and cinnamon, very glam. I've no idea what colours she uses on mine but I think she bases it on a dead hydrangea mop. :)
If you and woofy are going to start flinging pots across the country I'm going to wear my colander when I go out in the garden.
Hellooo shaney me old china...ash and cinnamon, very glam. I've no idea what colours she uses on mine but I think she bases it on a dead hydrangea mop. :)
If you and woofy are going to start flinging pots across the country I'm going to wear my colander when I go out in the garden.
Cleaned through the house with Henry (been waiting for over a week for hija to do it!) and have made moroccan veg and chicken with apricots and nuts and cous cous for tonight, house looked so neat and tidy, but she is now home and sprawled all over the place, she is so tall that she takes up all the lounge. Place is a mess!
Well I do try woofy but I seem to need everything!!
Hija actually started on tidying up her room and sorting out clothes to sell at the local boot sale. She took one mouthful of moroccan cous cous and went to bed at 7.45, was it that bad? Mr N enjoyed it, I think and so did I, but one helping and one day is enough for me.
It is pouring down here so Sky TV has gone, will hopefully come back, actually BBC 1 west midlands is back as I type although it is patchy, hope I can watch EE and Corrie!!!
Hija actually started on tidying up her room and sorting out clothes to sell at the local boot sale. She took one mouthful of moroccan cous cous and went to bed at 7.45, was it that bad? Mr N enjoyed it, I think and so did I, but one helping and one day is enough for me.
It is pouring down here so Sky TV has gone, will hopefully come back, actually BBC 1 west midlands is back as I type although it is patchy, hope I can watch EE and Corrie!!!
oh ice cream loves me, it attaches itself to my stomach and vows never to leave me, like Jose Luis in his emails. Really, woofy, I don't see why anyone would need help to finish off a tub of it.
I think this was pretty much my pram, though I remember mine being slightly longer and less circular in outline (but what would I know, I was six months old)
http:// farm7.s taticfl m/6011/ 5984351 828_695 ee247b2 .jpg
I think this was pretty much my pram, though I remember mine being slightly longer and less circular in outline (but what would I know, I was six months old)
it never rained in my childhood, neti.
Of course design had moved on by the time jno jnr needed a pram
http:// kidkust oms.fil es.word press.c om/2009 /12/bla ck-chro g
Of course design had moved on by the time jno jnr needed a pram
Wow tres cool that. I remember a big folding pushchair when I was little. I think it was called a cumfifolda
It was like this one...I remember it as more padded though, I guess mum put cushioning in it
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=c umfifol da+push chair&a mp;hl=e n&c lient=s afari&a mp;sour ce=lnms &tb m=isch& amp;sa= X&e i=eyY1U Yr4Bsmc 0QWFlYG wDA& ;ved=0C AkQ_AUo AQ& biw=102 4&b ih=672# biv=i%7 C5%3Bd% 7CFZAxq -ouHkTR UM%3A
It was like this one...I remember it as more padded though, I guess mum put cushioning in it
Oh what a lovely pram Jno .
Pushchair ..that's the word I was looking for ..not trolley .You could take the pram bit off mine and then the pushchair bit folded out .
Am pleased with my hair,all grey bit's covered up !
Just caught up with The Midwives..Chummy is pregnant .....I had to laugh at the trailer for next week when Sister Evangelina said ..Babies don't come sliding out like penguins you know ,they come when they're ready .Haha.
Oight Oight ..sleep toight.
Pushchair ..that's the word I was looking for ..not trolley .You could take the pram bit off mine and then the pushchair bit folded out .
Am pleased with my hair,all grey bit's covered up !
Just caught up with The Midwives..Chummy is pregnant .....I had to laugh at the trailer for next week when Sister Evangelina said ..Babies don't come sliding out like penguins you know ,they come when they're ready .Haha.
Oight Oight ..sleep toight.
Good mornbing, off to medico today for blood test results, oh dear!
My hija also had a pushchair with pram on it as it was easier to push around the small village. Can't find any photos of it , too old! Pushchairs are called buggies these days!
Having really weird dreams at night, but they are OK.
Will have to have my hair done professionally, there's dark bits and grey bits and white bits, a veritable rainbow on my head!!
My hija also had a pushchair with pram on it as it was easier to push around the small village. Can't find any photos of it , too old! Pushchairs are called buggies these days!
Having really weird dreams at night, but they are OK.
Will have to have my hair done professionally, there's dark bits and grey bits and white bits, a veritable rainbow on my head!!
Morning all...fost and frog and frozen bird baths here.
waves to Jude
Love the wicker pram and I'll pass on the customised pushchair pic to Tarquin although I can imagine him doing his triathlons with baby in a papoose, I don't think he intends to slow down. A few sleepless nights might change his ideas.
I had one of those folding buggies to take to town on the bus...if you accidentally kicked the bar at the bottom the bloomin thing started to fold up.... quite often there'd be a muffled shout from knee level. :)
Must go and wash me barnet...good luck neti...wasn't Lottie due some results too? Wonder where she is.
waves to Jude
Love the wicker pram and I'll pass on the customised pushchair pic to Tarquin although I can imagine him doing his triathlons with baby in a papoose, I don't think he intends to slow down. A few sleepless nights might change his ideas.
I had one of those folding buggies to take to town on the bus...if you accidentally kicked the bar at the bottom the bloomin thing started to fold up.... quite often there'd be a muffled shout from knee level. :)
Must go and wash me barnet...good luck neti...wasn't Lottie due some results too? Wonder where she is.
Morning all
And a lovely one it is too.Still a tad chilly but it's nice to get some washing out on the line for a change instead of having to have it hanging about indoors .
Hope you are all OK .
Good luck with the tests Neti .I was supposed to go back for blood tests but didn't as I haven't been taking those statins and am not going to until I can see my GP for my next review .
I used to colour my hair myself but get it done at the hairdresser now .I have too much grey these days and it started to look flat when I did it myself .She blends it all in with foils .
Yoohoo Jude and I hope Lofty is OK .
And a lovely one it is too.Still a tad chilly but it's nice to get some washing out on the line for a change instead of having to have it hanging about indoors .
Hope you are all OK .
Good luck with the tests Neti .I was supposed to go back for blood tests but didn't as I haven't been taking those statins and am not going to until I can see my GP for my next review .
I used to colour my hair myself but get it done at the hairdresser now .I have too much grey these days and it started to look flat when I did it myself .She blends it all in with foils .
Yoohoo Jude and I hope Lofty is OK .
morning all. We didn't go out this morning as it was thick fog here....anyway for some reason we all slept for England. We actually have sun!!! here now but the forecast for tomorrow is back to wet and orrible. heigh ho. I don't do hair colouring. I look blonde from a distance and salt and nutmeg close up.
Wow a veritable plethoria or biddies!!
Blood results Ok, sugar just a wee bit high 216 but just have tocut down on carbs! He also said I had gout in my broken toe, I hooted with laughter, I am not a rich old man with a strawberry nose who drinks port!! For some reason Thyroid was missed out, he either forgot to ask or something, so he took my pulse and said it was a rough occasional guide and it seems OK, back in 6 months, so have had 2 coffees and am now chomping on wafer biscuits and choccy ones! Well I deserve it!
Shaney I don't bother too often with statins, maybe 2 or 3 a week, just cannot be bothered every night! and hey I'm fine!
Lovely warm day here, but I still wore a padded jacket with a shirt. The friend I meet for coffee is such a moaner, she moans about everything even things she knows nothing about (ie babies and motherhood) she brings me down, so am cutting down my time with her, can't be doing with negative people.
Blood results Ok, sugar just a wee bit high 216 but just have tocut down on carbs! He also said I had gout in my broken toe, I hooted with laughter, I am not a rich old man with a strawberry nose who drinks port!! For some reason Thyroid was missed out, he either forgot to ask or something, so he took my pulse and said it was a rough occasional guide and it seems OK, back in 6 months, so have had 2 coffees and am now chomping on wafer biscuits and choccy ones! Well I deserve it!
Shaney I don't bother too often with statins, maybe 2 or 3 a week, just cannot be bothered every night! and hey I'm fine!
Lovely warm day here, but I still wore a padded jacket with a shirt. The friend I meet for coffee is such a moaner, she moans about everything even things she knows nothing about (ie babies and motherhood) she brings me down, so am cutting down my time with her, can't be doing with negative people.
I've been bird watching .Bit of sun and they start chasing each other around .
Randy blackbirds ..haha. There was a little bluetit back and forth tugging moss out of the lawn .Keep tugging ! Less for me to rake out :)
Glad your results were OK Neti. That's a good idea actually ,I might just take the odd one now and again ,anything to keep the doctor at bay !
Randy blackbirds ..haha. There was a little bluetit back and forth tugging moss out of the lawn .Keep tugging ! Less for me to rake out :)
Glad your results were OK Neti. That's a good idea actually ,I might just take the odd one now and again ,anything to keep the doctor at bay !
I appear to have lost my credit card although I am sure I haven't!
Mr N's goddaughter is having a huge wedding in August and the groom is organising hotel rooms for guests, he is very nice but very jobsworth, so we've been asked to confirm our room by phone which I did today, only to find out that Mr N's best friend who is the bride's father has already done it with his c/card, yay good thought I, but guess we'll have to pay him back. But it is annoying not knowing who is doing what!
Mr N's goddaughter is having a huge wedding in August and the groom is organising hotel rooms for guests, he is very nice but very jobsworth, so we've been asked to confirm our room by phone which I did today, only to find out that Mr N's best friend who is the bride's father has already done it with his c/card, yay good thought I, but guess we'll have to pay him back. But it is annoying not knowing who is doing what!