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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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I so loved my grandparents. They took a great part in my early life and I lived with them for a while as a babe when my mum was very ill. Nan was a real treasure - so fun loving and kind. Everybody loved her. Grandad was quiet but I loved to sit and talk to him. Such an interesting man.
Lottie, opened immediately, what a lovely photo! I remember that hairstyle, funnily enough it was one that my hair would hold!

Just spent an hour struggling, fighting and bashing the "loose" covers back onto the suite, They are so old and so tight that I have to wear rubber gloves and slide the covers over polythene bags to get them on (a shop showed me hoe to do that!) They are mink coloured but just cannot use the bright canary yellow ones that came with it!
do you know lottie, Mr LL could be a member of my family, very similar to my dad and one bro!
Good Morning Everybiddy. What lovely photos of you all. I was married in the Registry Office and I don't have many photos. I'll have to have a look for one I can put on here. I just had a white costume with navy accessories. I was about 8½ stone then. My Dad used to say if I turned sideways I disappeared. Filled me full of confidence did my Dad.
Anyway have to get cracking cos it's a school day today. One of my happy places.
See yer later 'gater(s)
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Morning all...

The past is a foreign country...and I'm not keen to revisit much of it :o)
Lovely memories & pics you all have...I look on my old photos with mixed emotions & I think I prefer the ones that are before my time. Makes me sad sometimes when I think how hard life probably was but it's all relative I suppose...times can be hard now, just in different ways.
Anyhoo I'm not in the right frame of mind for digging any pics out, maybe sometime soon.

Oh I almost forgot, a good thwacking for jno...for the terrible puns email ...and for flapping about < < <out there. I can't be bothered with 'em, when you've read one....

I feel abysmal & have gone very dismal...and from the way it's performing so does my puta. It's slow, takes about an hr of rebooting to start up & mails that were sent yesterday have only just arrived. So it's quite possible that one, the other or both of us will expire shortly.
Hi Robi, you're right I get a bit maudlin' when i look at my photos. It's only cos I have this new scanner that I've taken a bit more to looking at them. Like I said in my last 'mixed up' post I could write a book.
I have to say that my pc has opened all the links you have all sent me pdq straight away.
I really have to go now. Byeee...
oh dear, Robinia, maybe's there's something wrong with your router... or maybe your computer's... mine was always freezing but since Stan the Bulgarian told us to switch (from Virgin to Sky) and put in an extra hard drive it's been running much more smoothly - not all that much quicker that I can see but it doesn't freeze.
Glad my photos are opening up quickly. Like you Jude my new scanner has started off a real trip down memory lane and before.

Robi. Please take care of yourself. Are you going to go and see the doc? You can't go on feeling like this and we worry about you. xxx
Neti, I presume you have a Russian Dad!!!
My friend from over the road has been over for a coffee. Any stupid thoughts I may have had about gardening today have gone out of the window. It's cold and grey. I am staying indoors!!
Oh poor Robi, go to the doctors please!

I am in spring cleaning mode, washed throws, sorted out hija's shoes and boots, sorted out my boots and shoes. Have just put dark streaks through my hair as it was getting solid blonde which I hate!
Well could be lottie, but there again I have no idea, think he was French Canadian. I would love Russian heritage.
neit, is this of any use to you?

I've heard it mentioned as a way for uitlanders to watch the beeb but have no idea whether it's any good.
well, that was prompt recycling - we've just staggered out onto the pavement with our old 32-inch TV, complete with remote, speakers etc, and a sign saying "help yourself" and a man walked up and asked it he could have it, so we told him it was his for the asking. It works fine but is not one of the flat-screen thingies; it still has a big box at the back with all the innards. Where have they gone these days, exactly?
Ours is small and a big fat thing with all the inners. To be honest anything else would look totally daft in our house. It sits on a shelf and mingles with the fireplace.
Like this

Simply nowhere else you could put a television and still sit round the fire.!!
I have one like that in the bedroom. huge back on it, but slim thing in front room.
I have a slim one in the spare room where I iron, but only a little slim one!! There is a bed in there too so I can iron and watch TV and have a rest on the bed in peace and quiet behind closed doors!!.

Neti I have left you another message on FB. I still don't really know what I'm doing on there!!

Our wedding but I've probably put in on here before!
We took ours to the tip Jno .Nobody wanted it .It's all flat screens now .Mind you I am impressed with our new one .It's freed up lots of space .We now have a nice unit which it stands on and I can put more junk on the unit :)

Grey day here and I'm sorry you're feeling under par Robinia .Cheer up old girl. I'm sending a man round to you with a bouquet

Neti that picture was taken just over a couple of years ago .I am no longer pretty more like pretty grim .
Must toddle ,beds to change and general tidying up ,more sodding washing ...Such fun .At this rate I'll be cooking the dinner at midnight .

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