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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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shows the importance of a strong first serb.
Internet has come back on. It did the same yesterday for approx 5 minutes, just in time for me to write an important email to solicitor but disappeared before I could send it. We are having a dreadful problem with lines. Thanks Jude for your messaging service. I am not hanging about because I need to try sending that flippin email again.

Will catch up with threads as soon as posssible.

Love Lottie
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jno!.........naughty step!
Never mind Neti. He is still World Number 1 until tomorrow when Novak takes over ;~).
Loved the pun Jno.
Oh I was all excited at the thought of an open day at the Bank for a minte...not allowed to help yourself?...pah! what a swizz...

Oh dear, hot under the collar are you neti? Ne'er mind come here & let this waft a nice breeze over your fevered brow...
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Could do with a nice breeze here, tis hoomid tonight.
Night night all
Nice cool gentle breeze here .I'll waft some your way Woofy .It's been one of those perfect days here weatherwise .I've had a bucket of fresh air ,sun and total idleness so am off to my bed .

Oh Neti don't cry into your Mojitos old girl :) Look what I found for you ;-)

Night all ,sleep tight .
Goodnight All!
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Somebody get that boy some decent underwear!
Good morning biddies, it was a horrid hot and humid night, but Mr N still won't put on the air con.

Lots of washing to do, was up at 7am cooking bacon and eggs for the hija before she went to work!
3 loads washed and out on line and waiting for 4th to finish. Am sitting on bed eating a bacon butty with English sliced bread and HP sauce mmm, heaven!
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good morning all, pleasant bright day here.
Morning all...would that be a big round butty neti?
Oh shaney, did you have to? ...I think she's ignoring our jibes now. :o)

Very mild but cloudy, I've got so much to do I don't know where to start... got the washday blues
Under that pic on the website it says - 'Remembering when riding through the washing and being told off'.
Yes , I remember that :o)

Some lovely atmospheric art on the site
Are the two euromillions the same thing or separate prizes
I have the internet. It seems that evenings and weekends I lose it. I can't do anything about duff BT lines until BT/Open Reach/our service provider get their act together. For thirty years now they have admitted that our cables are duff and get flooded out when it rains - for thirty years the powers that be won't spend out because there are only a dozen or so houses that are suffering - but they wont admit it!!
I like Nadal and I don't mind a man with meat on his bum!
Off to steam clean my floors. Have put it off far too long. It is another beautiful day and I don't feel inclined...................
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Lottie i have just been chatting to my sis on the phone about my outstanding (as in needs doing not wonderful) housework backlog. She very sagely remarked that one you get past a week, the dirt doesn't look any worse. Did I say I love my Sis?, she is so smart.
I too like a man with meat on his bum but not when he keeps adjusting the clingfilm in public :-)
Woofy, LOL about the clingfilm.

I agree with your Sis Woof and I am the world's worse housekeeper in many respects, but I seriously can't remember the last time I washed the tiled floors that run through the three rooms at the back of the house, including the kitchen.

By the way I am still putting it off. I cleared out all the stuff off the floor ready and then decided that a drink and some biscuits and cheese would be a good idea. But I am determined to do it!!
well I got off to a flying start but I seem to have crashed, my little circle's spinning but nowt's happening. :o)

D'oh I know thing have to be secure online but intit a rigmarole with all these security/pass/verified words? And when you have a different one for everything....? So I have to keep a seret note about them...and keep it in a secret life's a bloody mystery to me, haha.

Oh I say, the Spare's being very masterful, I'm getting quite warm :o)
I want to be a Spare for the day
*You were rude, abusive, and a monumental arse. Be nice please, or sod off*

lol, brilliant.

That said, there are still some who get away with too much imo.

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