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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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You 2 are making my mouth water!! I have had my usual salmon and veg and cheesey sauce and I'm now hungry again...Brunswick Ham and salad. That's all I'm getting.
Laters 'gaters
ooh, well, I had some cheese on biscuits and then went to an open garden day on some barges. There were eight of them moored in a row - they're lived in and they don't sail anywhere - all with gardens planted along the roofs, and wooden planks you can walk along from one end to the other. All sorts of flowers and trees growing in them (including some Oi! Brains!), medlars and quinces, roses, lovely lavender etc etc. Most unusual. They're only open to the public twice a year, for national open garden weekend and today for charity (RNLI). They're just downstream from Tower Bridge.
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Dh's tum has kicked off again so he has gone to lie down...just deciding what to pull out of the freezer and shove in the microwave.....
Have indulged in some lovely sweet big cherries, yummy they were.

Chunter shaney? That means something totally different to us!!

Am waiting for midnight when I can fetch hija. Unfortunately it is the local fiesta of Es Cana and there will be a huge firework display at midnight, and heaven knows if the road will be jam packed. Mr N has shown me a back way but it's deep in the countryside with no lights and thin winding lanes, and I can't quite see me getting anywhere fast. Wi8ll stick to the main road.
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DH has got another wee infection...doc has just been and prescribed...oh pee po belly bum.
Well that's another Sunday done and dusted. Quite day apart from this morning.
Hope you've all had a good day pleased you got your internet reception sorted Robi.
(That's for when you get it back - sorry not really funny is it)

Neti - email

I'm off to bed now up at 5.30.

Goodnight All see yer later 'gater(s) x
Hope Mr W Feels better now Woofy. Thinking about him and every one else with aches and pains.
Oh dear Woofy. Hope Mr W feels better by the morning.

Night night all.
Question Author
Morning all, a new day and we are all still in one piece at woofgang towers. It appears that the antibis have taken effect and Gotham City is safe again (doffs mask, cape and silk knickers and goes back to bed.)
Morning all
Poor mr woofy, up and down, glad he's on the mend again. Dons "silk knickers", I'm sure that won't be of much help!!

Up again at 7 to get hija to work, wish Mr N would get his van back! I didn't get to bed until 1 last night and then Mr N was reading til 1.45 which annoyed me as i cannot sleep with the light on!
nice and sunny here... some mistake, I expect... the ceiling has caved in in the flat below jno jnr's (the one he rents out, not the one he lives in) and it appears the pipe from his dishwasher was not properly attached and developed a slow leak. I expect him to turn up shortly requesting a ride to the flat to see it with his own eyes, but I think the insurance will have to sort this out.
Good morning. Off for a walk with friend and dog. See ya later!!
Morning all
Lovely day here .
I hope Mr Woofy is feeling better today .

I've been sitting in the garden with my tea watching the antics of these goldfinches .Yesterdays one seems to have found a friend .I don't think it wants to be his friend though as much as he flits about showing off to it . Really comical to watch .
But I can't spend all day watching birds courting as I need to get some order into the chaos in my hovel.
Have a nice day lovely people .See you later .

What's chunter in Ibiza speak then Neti ? Here in Naarfolk it means to chat ,natter etc :)
Morning shaney, Well it's not Ibiza speak, just Eastbourne and parts of london, I suppose, we've always said it since the 70's. It means to chuck up!

Joined a new group of ladies coffee morning today, wow were they rich, yachts, orchards and big houses, not my sort of thing.
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now I know Chunder as throw up (from Barry McKenzie) and chunter as natter on about nothing in I think not to confuse them. DH picking up again thanks.
oh well, the Aussies say chunder.... supposedly ship speak for "look out below" - "watch under", or so I heard Barry Humphries explain.
Oh maybe it is chunder then. It's an old woman thing! Come to think of it, (she don't arf chunter on!") seems right for speaking! sorry!
Oi! Brains! here, still not up to full speed but moving...just. No idea what's going on, grrrrr. Better keep this short, after I'd posted yesterday the page didn't reload so I had no idea if it had appeared.
Lovely day and I've just had a 'nana butty & some flapjack...stop wretching the lot of ya, I'd been out & needed a quick energy fix.

my old kitchen

new kitchen (which is also falling apart now!)
Hi again all.

Went for a walk, then went to Tesco's Lidls and Morrisons.

It is absolutely boiling hot here today!! Phew.

I still daren't show you my kitchen!!

I quite like your old kitchen Nets. I am comfortable in kitchens like that.

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