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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Oh lottie, that old kitchen was at least 50yrs old. We had already ripped out a shelf as it was falling down, hence the old sideboard, but under the sink was disgusting, mouldy, and damp. We had to raise the chimney breast as it was so low (being as the locals ate much shorter than us.
and I had to tip, shove, push and kick a new gas bottle under the sink every couple of weeks, cos it wasn't tall enough for the bottle!
That's a very dinky kitchen Neti ,very nice .
Easy to whip round and keep clean ,unlike my shack .
Well so much for sorting out .I've done nothing .Sat in the garden and read my book .Lazy moo.
Oh yes ,I did sort out some elastic bands and put them in a different container .
Yoohoo Robinia ..are you having problems with the internet . Get on the phone and complain ...
Haha..this little bird is still flitting around and hanging off the line .I think hes been waiting for me to get the washing in so he can perch .
He sings so desperately .You can almost hear him saying ..."Can anybody find meeeee ...somebody to love ".
I've been peering at him through the binos .I wish I could get a piccy but he flits off .
You should have seen what passed for kitchen when we bought our cottage Nets. The cottage was only one step away from being derelict!! We have had our kitchen for over 30 years and it is very tired, but I still like my creamy buttery coloured units, even the doors fall off their hinges.
lottie same here these units are chip board and they are wearing away, the hinges are the only good things about my cupboards.
This was my kitchen in Wombledon

It was quite nice .Plain and easy to keep clean .
Now I'm lumbered with all these nooks and crannies :)
Nice Kitchen Shaney.

Off to bed very shortly.

Sleep tight biddies.

Just watched New Tricks and UC earlier . The questions get harder and harder Dear old Dennis Waterman .
He's looking a bit baggy these days ,bless him .He needs a bit of Garnier Ultra Roll on round the eyes:)
And James Bolam is 76 . Gawd ...where has the time gone since he was a Likely Lad .
Enough of my ramblings ,
Goodnight folks and sleep tight .

Hope you had a lovely day in the Dales Jude xx
Hello All. A bit late isn't it but I'm back from a really enjoyable day in Yorkshire. Pickering, Thornton Vale and Hutton-le-Hole. All close together but attractive places with different things especially the ewes with their, now growing, lambs roaming the streets of Hutton-le-Hole. Very relaxing and quiet day not like my week in Scotland which was relaxing but by no means quiet!!

Had a letter today from a Co. in Kansas City saying if I send them £10 to register with them I had a chance of winning £1000s more. It's now in my recycling bin. Where they get my full name and postal address and code from I have no idea do you?!
I hope you've all had a good day and Mr W is on the mend.

I might be going to a talk tomorrow in the local library about notorious Women of Derbyshire. Will find out tomorrow afternoon about it and give you the gen! The talk is tomorrow night but you have to register before you go apparently so that will be after Tai i and lunch.

I'm off to bed now so see yer later 'gater(s) I hope you're sleeping tight.
Oh Yoohoo Jude
We missed each other by seconds .
Sounds like a good day out .
Notorious women of Derbys ? Hmmmm....
Will that include that notorious custard eater :)
Sleep tight lass .xxx
I'm back. Somehow, I went past the tired bit and now feel wide awake.

Jude, Hutton le Hole was the next village to where we stayed on holiday this year in North Yorks. We walked there and back from our holiday cottage. We were staying at Staunton near Lastingham. My favourite part of the world - The North York Moors!!

I fed some of those little lambs whilst we were there. The farmer where we stayed had rescued some.
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good morning Dad was a yorkshireman and we went back on hols loads of times, we used to stay just near Robin Hood's Bay...lovely area.
Jude, maybe your name and address are in the phone book (if phone books exist any more) or on the electoral register?
Morning all. Have been up since 7am (6am your time) doing my motherly duties, then I went back to bed at 8am and slept!

Welcome back jude, where are you off to next. Will email you in a while.

lovely womble kitchen shaney, is that old shaney lyying on the floor?
Morning all
Dull but warm here .
Yes that's old Shaney Neti .
Better make an effort today and do something constructive .
I'm going to have go with this bread machine but it looks a bit complicated .
If you hear a loud bang and exploding bread you'll know I've mucked it up :)
Testing...hellooooo... :o)

Morning all...
I think I'm fixed, it's certainly moving well at the moment. The bad news is I haven't got time to catch up now, I've got to pop out, but hopefully I'll still be on the interweb when I get back.

<note to self - never call BT when you need to go to the takes a very long time>

Jude, After I went to bed I realised that I had said we stayed in Staunton. We didn't we stayed in Spaunton!!

Shaney, I remember being totally confused by by first bread machine, Once you have used them a couple of times it's a doddle and you won't buy shop bread again.

I am off out (I am turning into our Jude). Am going to town to do a few jobs and then meeting a friend in her lunch hour and going to cafe for a bite to eat.

Am feeling satisfied. A good few years back I worked with a horrible woman who I had suspicions about. She made my life in a new job a total misery. Then on the news last night there she was. Been done for fraud nd embezzlement and sent for a holiday courtesy of Her Majesty.

My boss at that time was suspicious as well. It's a long long story but it was a dreadful period in my working life and my health suffered badly.

Shaney, if you go on line to our local rag, you will see the story.

See you later
<<<< swetneti rushes in >>>>

I love you biddies x

<<<< and rushes out again >>>>
I meant that I was rightly suspicious of my boss at that time. He got his come uppance too!

Did something just rush past me...........................................

Hi Nets.

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