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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Here I am in my bikini and no one to see me! (actually I do look a bit like this)

I popped in to see you last night and was so tired, I just caught up with your posts and poppped out again. So good night for last night, and good morning for today.

Lovely day out yesterday ;o).

Neti, if I could I would love to smuggle you and Jac in my cases for that cruise. What fun - Neti would probably fall overboard though, with her accident prone record.

jno - A Danube cruise sounds great. Perhaps next on my agenda!!!

Am just doing a bit of clearing up and then going to iron up stairs watching Silverstone.

Jac and Jude email. Neti I have sent you one too before you complain!! xxx
Robi, can you send me an email. I am confused yet again about your email address.
Happy Sunday Everybiddy. Sunday morning and dashing about, would you believe. Firstly £30 of petrol as I have a busy week coming up. Rolleston-on-Dove then Belper and certain pubs for lunch round and about. Then soring out my mobile which went totally blank on me. After searching ontinternet help lines with no result not even a land line number to ring I took out the battery cleaned inside then switched it on again b*****r me if it didn't work properly and then received texts sent to me last night.
Had a lovely coach trip yesterday to Norfolk and the weather kept fine except there was a cloudburst on the way home which didn't bother us.
I'm off to Yorkshire tomorrow to visit some villages. I'm going to pack something to eat on the way home as I was really hungry last night even though I had eaten plenty during the day.
I've just been and bought an iron from Sainburys but had to take it back as it looked as though it had been out of the box and was 'mucky'. So I took it back and then went across town to Asda and bought another with 50% off which seemed a decent buy.

So now I'm going to have a Baileys Latte and have a go at the Express Skeleton.

Have a good day all! See yer later 'gater(s)
Yoohoo folks
Warm and muggy here . May rain ,may not ,you never know . But I haven't put any washing out .The reason being I don't want to disturb the little Goldfinch who has commandeered my linen line all morning and is perched there singing away merrily .
We have lots of goldies round here but it's the first time one has come into my garden :) He's so sweet .
Glad you enjoyed your day Jude :)
Take care all ,have a nice Sunday xx
Dashing about again Jude!!! ;o) Wait for me, I can't catch up!!
I have decided to Twitter.

Just brought washing in. Another storm brewing.
Bread nearly ready in the breadmaker.
Forgot to watch start of Silverstone..........................

runs into other room..........................
I have only one word to say : Alonso !!!
I'm on twitter.
Question Author
Hello all, email received...sounds lovely. Quiet day here, knee playing up :-(
Mr N and I lunched at the famous Anita's Bar


strangely enough although we used it for drinks in our hippie days in the 70's we've never eaten there and it was nice.

Hija staggered home at 11am and I took her to work at 16hrs, she seems OK. But i have to collect her at midnight as there are no buses that late.

jude slow down girl. You do have a full and varied life, I envy you!
Wouldn't it be lovely if all us Biddies could get together easily for a day at the seaside.
This probably won't post...I'm having a terrible time with my internet, it's hardly moving...will be back soon I hope.
It posted!! Hello Robinia if you are still there!!!
Hi Neti - don't envy me please. Yes I do plenty of things and I enjoy myself and consider myself lucky - but there are times when I wish I was over there doing what you do and I do spend time on my own here with my thoughts. You will have email in a while.
I have taken two cod fillets. Spread them with green pesto, put grated italian cheese over the top, folded them over and wrapped them in pancetta. They are being put on a base of tomatoes spinach and courgettes sprinkled with herbs and will be baked in the oven.

It is called Cod a la Lottie and goodness knows what it will taste like. If I don't emerge tomorrow, my made up menu has killed me.

I did read some recipes and decided to take bits from each of them and do it my way.

We have just had another torrential rain storm and Mr LL has got soaking wet yet again!! (he he)
This will be served with roughly chopped new garlic potatoes and steamed green veg - pak choi, french beans and mange toute.

He, he, he. I am turning into somebody else!!
Lol....We had hand boiled new potatoes ,ham ,baked to perfection by the Germans ,and a green salad with a hand made dressing ,shaken to absolute perfection in an old jam jar ,which I keep specially for my hand shaken dressings .
Then ,trifle ,factory made somewhere by Morrisons and loaded with extra cream by me :)
My bro has been here this afternoon and has loaned me his breadmaking machine and we had a nice chunter .
I'm going to watch The Royal shortly .I know it's cheesey ,but I love it and then the UK version of Law & Order with the lovely Bradley Walsh .

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