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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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...this has made me giggle tonight....

shaneystar! what were you going to say?....if you're feeling that wild I dare you to go into B&S & ask who fancies a .....
that'll stun 'em all....hahahaha, started myself off now.......

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I was going to say he is very shweet !
But my finger slipped on the key ....!

you were going to ask who fancies a shweet? Mine's a strawberry creme
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I'll pass on that Jno I don't like soft centres .....I prefer crunchy ones !
This weather makes me itics and ology ache and then I get a sweet craving hence the cake .I was so desperate this evening I ate half a bar of cooking chocolate whilst oogling Dennis .
Anway old gals like me should be in bed so I am going to do that very thing ..Night all ..sleep well.
cooking chocolate? No such thing exists. There is only eating chocolate.

As for the crunchy centres, well in theory I like them but my teeth tend to crumble on contact with crunchiness, so it's cremes for me...

<Thinks: I wonder if there could possibly be any connection between my first paragraph and my second one.>
ooh, I always eat the strawberry cremes first too...but give me a box of Guylian or
these & I'm your best friend.

morning soggies, boggies & sign of 'warmer & drier' here yet but it's a tad brighter which is good as I need to rectify this cake famine. And I can finally wear sleeves without looking as though I'm smuggling Izal rolls.

<looks around>... erm, so what's with the wall to wall posters of Dennis Waterman then? have you been stalking him shaney?
Now, it's no secret I have a penchant for the younger man but if we're talking mature & shweet I've always had a thing about Keith Barron...if you don't mind I'll just remove this one of Dennis in his string vest & pin him up here ....

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Well cooking or not it wasn't all that nice and I felt a bit sickly after eating it .I prefer dark chocolate and those marzipan thingys look rather nice .
Surprise surprise it has stopped raining ...but not warm. .
My thermometer thing in the garden says only 4c but it could be waterlogged .Mr S is complaining it's cold so it must be as he doesn't usually mutter about the weather like me .I'll get him tidying some tins to warm up...then he can jog up the High Street and get a paper !
I taped Oceans Eleven last night so I am going to oogle gorgeous George later ...I'll put Dennis on the back burner for now .
See you all later ...must behave myself today .
we have cakes....we are with cakes....nous avons des gateaux....
bloomin cold out though....
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Wahhay !! The sun is out ..the sky is blue ....but it's still cold !
Gimme a bit of that cake at once !
I am having to make do with a chs and oin sandwich followed by a hbl tea and a gngr bsct .
Never mind my other hero Andrew Marr is on tonight ..he has a face only a mother would love but he's very shweet .
ooh, I'm glad you reminded me about Andrew Marr shaney (caught it last week by accident & really enjoyed it)..... my telly mag's only got one staple & it's all fallen apart & gone out of order...that's what you get for not buying the Radio Times.
yep, you're right about the face...hehe
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Yes it was very interesting .I think he presented it very well .I saw him once in London lounging around outside the House of Commons .He is extemely thin and haggard looking and his shirt looked as if it needed ironing !
They had some extracts from his book in the Telegraph recently ..but I think the book would be heavy going .
Well that was a flash in the pan's piddling down again !
Chocolate ....feed me chocolate !
hang on I'll have a rummage in that tin under jno's chair....

♫.....dum de generation.....♫

erm, just how desperate are you?.....I'd check the date....

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Ooooh Fiveboys that's a blast from the past .I used to love that and peardrops .I used to get sixpence to put in the collection at Sunday School .I was a wicked child and only used to put thruppence in because on the way there I used to squander thruppence on a quarter of peardrops and used to crunch them all through the lesson ..until the evil teacher told my Mother ! I can still feel that clip round the lughole !
My Generation seems to have disappeared into thin air !
Oh ...and don't go anywhere near Germany ..I have just phoned the germans and they have got snow showers !!
well you'll never get to heaven mrs s
....we've been regenerated in music.....

yep, they've just warned of a frost in our parts tonight!
really? weather's looking quite promising around my way 1452
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Well I shall just have to buy a Fez in case it drifts in this direction .It is freezing outside and I am seriously thinking of taking my liberty bodice out of it's mothballs.
My garden looks as if a tornado has hit and my tomatoes are all droopy .Bah !
On that grumpy note I am going to a warmer place ...Bed !!

Did you see Andrew Marr ? It was really good .The only highlight in what has been a dull and dismal day ! Even a really interesting crossword failed to hold my attention and Mr S. accused me of having a po face all day .Haha!
Goodnight tatties ..sleep well xx
I wonder if they do these in liberty bodices... /thanko2_1.jpg
Good morning sweeties, what's all this disgusting talk about chocolate? I only like Quality Street, not bovvered about the rest. Am off early to buy new panties (large aertex ones) to wear in hospital. Nonews from Kit then? I'm going to Stockholm in Aug or Sept and could have met her. Am out toluch with sister-in-law today so will trytoget on later, but it's daughter's day off so the computer will be occupied 24/7. Sees you later. x
Morning all Hope you have a good day Neti
My favourite Chocolate isThorntons vienese truffle bars. I buy 2 from the petrol station when I go in. Scrumptious!. Been to the dentist this a.m. and had my crowns permanently fitted. I all frozen up at the mo. 2 more appointments to go then I have the matter of the bill. Daren't tell you the bottom line! Hope everybody is ok and having a good day. Weather not brill over here. It doesn't know whether to rain or shine! See you later :o)

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