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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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Oooh I say Jude've started me off again .Every time I go near Woolies or Asda I have to buy those peanut butter cup thingys .You only get three in a packet but they are divine .
It's foul here ..cold and showery and blowing a gale enough to cut you in two.I have given up on running in and out for sodding washing and now it can stay there rain or no rain.
Poor Shaney has to go and be bathed tomorrow ..I hope it's not piddling down then or I will screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaam !!
Hi Shaney It's still chucking it down here too.. Where is everybody today then I wonder. I'm just having a lazy day. My mouth's a bit sore but the numbness has gone. I have to wait to go for petrol again before I can get my next fix of ThorntonsI :o)
oooh, I've just given answer 11111. Is that the number of the beast or something? Maybe a different beast from 666. A marmoset perhaps or a potto.
bonsoir tout.....
well, this weather is seriously getting on my knits now....

funny you should mention giving the "dee o gee" a "bee ay tee aitch" because I looked at Charlie this morning & he looked at me & we both just went 'Nah'...hehe

can anybody remember those choccy logs you used to buy with nuts in for abot 2d? ooh the chocolate was lovely.

hope all goes well for you tomorrow long will it take & will you be absent? I think matron will need a note. Did you get the 'required garments'...?
erm, lovely
if there's a bed shortage they'll be able to tie them between 2 drip stands & make you a hammock.

nope jno it'll be our combined ages....

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Ooh is Tatty going for her op tomorrow ?
Well Good Luck Neti ..hope it all goes well and that you will soon be recovered and home again ...just for you you can enlarge it and tape up above your bed .
Well folks I am sitting here in a big cardi with me ug boots on ..I have never known it to be so cold for the time of the year.....well I suppose it has been like this before but my memory is failing .
Hahaha Robinia you're as bad as me ...Doubleyew ay ell kay I eee ess!! The other word I never mention unless I have any (although I usually buy a few for him each week ) is Cee ay are are oh tee ess ! He will plague me otherwise .
Yo! no I did not get the required garments -will have to wear my baggy greying m&s ones - I had to buy a summer dressing gown and accompanying nightie in cream with revolting embroidered coloured flowers - I've never worn anything like it my life, and could not find a pair of soft slippers so am taking Mr N's towelling ones from Sofitel Diwan Hotel - way too big but hey! If it's a local I'll be home tomorrow but the surgeon thinks it'll be a general so I'll be done later in the day. I'm taking fluffy bedsox as I can't stand cold feet and the air con might be on. Am off for a watch of tv, so will check in on Friday or Sat hopefully. Now take care my Biddies, do not go roaming around AB, it can get quiet dangerous. Love you all x
All the best Neti hope allgoes well x :o)
oh dear, if the surgeon has any taste the first things he cuts out will be the M&S unmentionables. But perhaps they are seen as rare and exotic in Spain. Well I do hope you pull through with bedsox intact
ooh, someone else creeping in crocheting it midnight?
time flies when you're being creative

oh no, I'm turning into a..... agghh!

I'll just leave these here for neti - she might find them in the morning

one soft pair

phew, it's not easy being a pumpkin....
Thank you all ----byeeeeee!!!

at this rate we'll be less of a BiddyBattalion & more a BiddyBrace....
....& that'll be me & my imaginary BiddyBuddy..

and it's bucketing down


getting nice and sunny down Portugal way... 24... up to 34 later... now, the pink thong, the blue thong or the green thong? (What Thinatra thingth, of courthe.) <mentally basking already>
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Oh it's been a lovely day here far ...but am not holding my breath it could change to six foot of snow at any minute knowing our weather .I have already worn various outfits today ranging from short sleeves to long sleeves and and back again . Jacket ,no jacket;cardi ...liberty bodice, bustle !

Never mind I have a fragrant dog who looks all sleek and shiny. We had a bit of foot stamping and whining but he was very good .Much better than the previous groomer so hopefully he will go there again.

Failing that I hope you are all clicking away nicely .xx
turned out nice here too, eventually...I could have washed me wincies...tut.

it looks like jno won't be needing anyone to sit on the suitcase if this is everything
Good Evening All Well it has turned out nice today, quite sunny and warm. I have finally bought my dress for my son's wedding in August. I went to Meadowhall with my sister and after looking in every shop from one end to the other, all except one, Jacques Vert, I finally found one. I said to my sister "I like that" and she said "get it on", I think more out of exhaustion than anything else. Anyway, we agreed it looked nice and I said "I'll have it" not looking at the price or anything. When I'd paid and they finally picked me up off the floor we went for a muffin and a large cappuccino to recover. All I need now are shoes and handbag to match which I think I will manage on my own.I hope you are all ok.
I've just read your post Robi and I don't remember any rain today. See you all later, take care :o)
don't suppose shaney has been featured on this site?
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Oh Lord ..No !
He would be most humiliated ! He is most offended already at having his nether regions washed and brushed and has ignored me pointedly since I brought him back from the groomer .In fact every time I speak to him he turns his nether regions on me ! There is no getting round him ! He even refused a Cee ay are are oh tee ...! Silly old fool . But I love him .
looks like being a nice day... definitely going to be lovely down in Iberia... but first I must try to sell some of the inherited gold coins so they are not lying round the house while I am away. so I expect to spend the next week wallowing in wealth and sunshine and probably out of reach of biddydom. But I shall soon be pale and poor again...

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