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shaneystar2 | 02:03 Sat 21st Oct 2006 | Hobbies & Interests
539 Answers
Well..come on folks ...where are all the people who campaigned for this category...the card makers,needleworkers,knitters,modelmakers,antiques collectors.Any balsawood kite makers out there !!!


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♫.....zipadee do dah, zipadee ay
plenty of custards coming my way....♫

just made a lovely old Irish gent's day & helped to find him a frozen curry...think he was wearing Vinny's titfer...mild he said, so I found one that said sommink like phall on the packet....I think Vin might be spotting his hat flying back later ;o)

what a bootiful far....but by heck did it rain last night! black & white movie style....& it did rain on me yesterday Jude, honest....think I got the edge of a cloud that was hovvering over t'hills a bit north of here.

have a good time away from biddydoom (as it's becoming) it business or pleasure.

hope you're recovered neti...give us a wave...
....oooh, ouch, not that arm mi' love....

hello am typing with one hand. they wanted me to stay in another night but i wanted to come home. got bitten under my armpit and it's driving me mad. feel a bit headachy and very sore, have to rehab(iliacion) next week. see you all again soon
Hi All I'm back in 'buying top' mode. Been down to Derby using my bus pass, of course, and came back with 3 pairs of pants from Marks and Sparks and to tops from Per Una. Got home and found they'd overcharged me for the pants. Should have been 3 for �10 and they charged my �12 so I rang up and the Manager answered the phone would you believe, honest, I was amazed! Must be short staffed. It's beutiful today and yes Robinia I did hear the rain last night. Everywhere was lovely this morning.
Hope all is well Neti
Enjoy yourself Jno
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Cheerio Jno ..have a nice time ...hope you soon feel beter Neti .nice here but chilly wind.
Will be back later ...feel a bit off today oids and itics are playing me up.Hmmm.... Perhaps if I have some chocolate .....
Hi Shaney Hope you feel better soon. I'm sure you'll feel ok after some chocolate. I've just had a Haagen-Dazs caramel crisp. Really good. Thats the power of advertising on the box I'm afraid! :o)
It Was 40years ago today sgt pepper taught the Band to play

Morning peeps...hope yer all okay...catch you later
yo Vinny welcome back...hope you had a good time. We missed you, we'd been used getting used to burnt toast....& I've had to put up with Victor Sylvester's muzac in the background...tut. I was going to put the Beatles on yesterday but thought you'd be along to do it...& I'd have felt a fool dancing round me zimmer on my own.

Hope the rest of the creakies are feeling better...lovely day here but the change has brought the customary headache.

oh please, no letters.....I won the Euro millions.
ok, so only �23.60 but I've done it about 5 times & lost once. I just get a feeling to do it....I'll get the big one soon.

In the meantime, cstrds are on, tatti, not ON me.

- a very thin and reedy voice is heard - hello, still using one hand -shoulder very sore. hope you are all ok, when i get better i'll give her tatti!!!
robi - you've got mail.
sorted neti....what's unusual about typing with one hand, is there any other way? how else does a biddy eat chs on tst or thwack the sproutman at the same time....?
Evening pop-pickers...!
its nice to get home and burn me own toast...(:O)
hope you can use both hands soon netti...the ole man must be cheesed need 2 fer cooking tut...! hehe.
fer kip (*_*)
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Morning each .....peers throught the fog after a lovely day yesterday you can't see an inch in front of your nose here at the moment !
Nice to see you back on toast duty Vinny ..
I lounged about in the sun yesterday was lovely and good for me bones ..Hope you are feeling better Neti
I must hobble ....and bung something in the cooker...see you all later.xx
morning all...
...glad you're feeling brighter shaney but fog eh?! it's lovely here - just waiting for the sun to move off the yard (we don't do patios round here... lol) so I can do something about my bench. What's the quickest way to get the green off it before I teak oil it dear biddybodgits?

Not that I feel like being dynamic, the change in weather is lovely but makes me tired until I've acclimatised.
I wanted to watch Tommy last night but I got as far as....♫ 'It's a boy Mrs Walker....' ♫.......& that was it. Think I'll buy the dvd - that way I'll get the best sound.

Jude do you remember the cinema on Collyer st? was it called the Pennine like the hotel? It was quite small & they had the most amazing sound system. We saw Tommy there & I was on a high for about a week afterwards...who needs drugs?

Morning yo peeps.
tis bright and cloudy at the same time ere..we like a bit of variety in are weather.Hiya ribena...You could use some deck cleaner...or paint it green..hehe..! hiya shaney...I
fog?have you tried cleaning yer windows hahaha..
ooops looks like robinia's getting desperate.
he he.
welldone jude...up derby(:O)
whats the weather like in aussie me wonders....nearly xmas there in it dolly...(:O)
right...must go and have a kip in netti's garden.>>>>>
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I hope it's not going to one of those " One day hot one day not summers "...I think it was foggy becuase it was quite hot yesterday .It rolls in from nowhere off the sea here .You can be on the beach on a hot day and all of a sudden in it comes but when you get back up into town it's not foggy there !! I can't be doing with all these fluctuating temperatures .I get the urge to eat toasted pannini with chs and onion which I had for breakfast !! I'm already gazing in the fridge and cupboards for something else ..can't help it ..I 've got the munchies lately . Oooh look I've found a Mars mini roll .....
Just for Vinny Yo
Hi all
quick word before going to bed.Weatherwise we are just in to Winter (JUNE 1ST) but we've had the warmest and driest Autumn on record . Hoping a little bit of rain will fall our way this week (not holding my breath tho')
Water situation (or rather -lack of ) is pretty grim ,we're down to using only 140 litres each per day ,garden is now desert-like .Saving every drop we can .
Welcome home Vinny hope you enjoyed your hols. ,Neti get well soon .ATB to everyone else .
We do have Christmas in July here ,Vinny more appropriate -cooler . Anyway off I go now luv Dolly xx
ps have requested Kiptwice to come back but I think she wants a little time to herself.

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Hiya Dolly glad to see you well albeit thirsty !
We'll do a little rain dance for you !
If Kit doesn't turn up soon I shall have to sabotage her kn�ckebr�d.
Do you think someone could send me a couple of sunbeams ..If Vinny chucks one in a north easterly direction and Robinia chucks one in a south easterly direction they might meet in the middle and explode over dreary Norfolk !
Never mind Tom Barnaby is on tonight for me to drool over ..another one who's very schweet . He's put on a lot of weight though since he lived in Jersey .
I really must go and do something instead of tootling around here !! Tut !
still no sun shaney? It's been hot here, so I've come in while charlie has a siesta. It's cloudy now tho'....think they mentioned storms for later. It feels like it in my brain. oooh the munchies, yes, I could eat one of them knockerknicker glory thingies right now.

hi there Dolly...we've had more than enough rain lately but it's soon dried out. Just been a weather warning on the radio for heavy rain in Scotland so that's the place to come to if you want to do a highland fling in it!

Deck cleaner Vinny?....errumm...would that be similar to some Daz in a bukkitt & a pan scrubber? hehe...there's the proper way of doing things...and the 'Ribena way'....<<flashback of the paint stirring incident>>
anyway, it's come up a, about this oil?
I'll use jno's socks to rub it on with....that'll warm her feet up when they self ignite.

ps Vincent....I'll give you desperate... lol.
And here's ya pan scrubber was great at getting the bird sh1te off thanks.
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Thanks for the sunbeam ...I blinked and missed it ! It did actually sun for all of about ten minutes . I must pay more attention Just realised that Robinia has won the Euro Millions . My begging letter is in the post .
Can someone tell me why ..when I am sitting here slurping strawbs and cream ..Mr S decides to vacuum round the kitchen and then bogs off to watch something on tele leaving the ruddy thing in the middle of the floor for me to trip over ?

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