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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Atheist, Theist or Agnostic, whatever you are, have you ever had what could only be described as a, "Spiritual Moment?" Not a question to criticise, just very curious, as I have come across people who...
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Too often when discussing origins, atheists simply say, "we don't know," and put FAITH in science that one day the answers will come. But atheism is synonymous with evolution, for which there is not a...
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There often seems to be a lot of confusion over such terms here on AB. Just a few of my own thoughts (OK, ramblings)…. I myself would consider myself both atheist and agnostic. Agnostic because I am...
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You have accused me (and others) in the past of hating Christians. Ive asked you several times why you think this and you never reply. As you know Ive started voluntary work with a Christian...
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Theland Hi Nailit. Before anybody gets upset for me posting poet another video, let me state now that this is for YOU Nailit, although all welcome to view it of course. Regarding...
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This is a fascinating assertion, which could also have been placed under the headings of news or politics, but I'm placing it here because both protagonists are leaders of world religions;...
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R&S has gone a bit quiet, hope Theland's OK. Anyway, reading this book at the moment This guy (William Schnoebelen) is a Christian...
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According to the Big Bang theory chaos brought forth creation which is a lie a chaos breeds chaos and creation should never had had a chance according to this theory as chaos should still be reigning...
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Repent! And thou shalt be saved. Do you agree?...
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Do secular materialistic humanist atheists ever delve into the evidence for their faith, (which is what it is), or simply swallow the drivel poured out by the likes of Richard Dawkins, or even worse,...
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In Mathew 24 Jesus warns His followers, "Be not deceived." Sadly many are deceived, and set a very poor example of what Christianity actually is, putting off many. Money preachers, so called...
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Theland like the quote in this video from G.K. Chesterton.Do you agree?...
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What, in your opinion, should a Christian look, dress and behave like?Drinking tea? Dunking biscuits? Forming Christian cliques?Etc etc....
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I answered your question on the Catholic Priests thread in News, but that now appears to have been closed so although I've no doubt you've read it, you won’t have had an opportunity to reply. If you...
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Having been accused many many times of trying to stuff my beliefs down others throats, ( never intentional and apologies if it appears that way), What kind of threads or questions do you think would...
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Its just a thought A couple of night ago, I went to my friends house for tea. My friend is a retired Pastor. He (and his wife) are Christians of the born again variety, evangelical, biblical...
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Theland A hard nosed atheist might deny the results of their own logic and agree with Dawkins, who shows himself up as a clown in his pursuit of his God hatred. Can you deny that...
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In the beginning there was God and the Void. God created a bunch of stuff then Satan starts talking to Adam and Eve. When did God create Satan?...
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Is there such a thing as absolute morality? Religionists are quick to point out that their own 'holy book' contains morals that are for all time and apply to all people, in all places I contend that...
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I find this assertion totally ludicrous. The bible has it totally right. "In the beginning." It took centuries for us to accept that here was a beginning, preferring a perpetual universe. As atheists,...

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