What the heck was Khandro attempting anyway?
What if Naomi WAS the spokesperson for atheists? What's the big deal about that?
Oh, I get it. Khandro was laying the trap and she was to say "okay, why not?", to which he would have responded that this was arrogant and presumptious: score 1 negative personality trait against your debating opponent and refer back to it in *every* subsequent devate, to dent their credibility.
Karmically unsound, Khandro. Karmically unsound.
Any "self-appointed" spokeperson, in any field, is quite patently bonkers because they take flak from the side they claim to speak for as well as the people they principally oppose.
If each atheist has their own flavour of opinion they might not agree with each other, let alone with theists.
They are not a 'movement'; they are not an 'organisation' and they are certainly not a 'faith'. Kindly do not project, onto them, the same attributes you possess by virtue of subscribing to your various faiths.
If you had no faith but behaved as an organisation, some of us would still dislike the organisation part!