Nailit, "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew ch24v24)
I think the words "if possible" are significant in that verse
Atheist, I dont know you and I dont make the rules. If I am consistent with my faith I would say you need to be born again by that I mean you need to accept Jesus before you die.
Atheist; //Khandro and fiveleaves; If I said that I'd heard God and he told me that you were both wrong and that I was right, what would you think? I may be wrong, but I think you would think I was deluded.//
\\ What you hear is, all going on in Ukraine where they are raping the women and hanging them.
Are they atheist too?//
what I've just heard, goodlife, is a person I've known for forty years, just like you, a God fearing, ready to tell anybody how wrong they for not believing, has been sent to prison for being a pedophile.
Is he a christian too?
I dont know why the Ukraine War has been brought into. There are a few Putin freaks around but thankfully there is near universal condemnation of the atrocities being committed by Russia in Ukraine.