Keyplus, you have no idea what, I am - not the foggiest - but sadly for you, I know exactly what you are. However, that's irrelevant to this question. You can pontificate all you like about western standards (which, incidentally, your hypocrisy doesn't deter you from embracing when it comes to salivating over page 3 girls), but nothing - absolutely nothing - not Allah, not Mohammed, not the Koran, not your Imans, not your customs - nothing - can excuse this. We may have freer standards, but thankfully we also have the decency, the principles, the morals, the honesty, and the compassion to unequivocally condemn this abhorrent child abuse, which despite all your nonsensical religious pseudo-piety, is clearly much more than you and your ilk can claim. Can you imagine what these little girls suffer at the hands of grown men? Can you imagine the appalling - and excruciatingly painful - abuse their small, frail, bodies - and minds - endure? No, obviously you can't. In fact, I doubt you've ever thought about it - and if you had, the outcome would be insignificant to you, because let's face it - they're only girls aren't they, and what do they matter to your repugnant culture? Tigerlily is absolutely right. This is to satisfy old men's lust - and disgustingly dirty old men at that - and you, quite patently, are no different.