Afternoon all...I'm not overdoing it today, I'm doing booger all. It's grey, miz and feels very chilly in the house. Yesterday was lovely. I sat outside and watched the fragrant laundry, held captive with mismatched pegs, waft gently in the breeze, the silver birch tree seeds clinging to it like tarnished sequins. haha...just painting you a picture.
I've arranged for some new gardeners to do the hedges in a couple of weeks, two pleasant and fit young men, so I hope they do a good job. It's a bit too much for b-i-l & sis to do and I feel obliged to help with the clearing up, which I hate. They asked a couple of thoughtful questions so that's a good start. I'll see if they cover Norfolk :)
Hope neti's hija and jno jnr settle into enjoyable jobs. I was once poached by a different dept in the same company if that counts.
Casualty was a bit random last night neti. Poor Lucy Worsley's chattering away to herself on the tele at the moment. Think I'll throw a pie in the oven.
Amen and out.