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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Are you off to soak up some warmth and sunshine Jno ?
I don't blame you ,it's been a dreary damp day here .
I'll just ring Robinia and tell her to start getting her bikinis ironed don't mind if we tag along do you :)
oof exhausted. We went into town, bought a load of stuff in ikea including a beautiful new checked bedspread, russetty autumny colours. Then on to starbucks because I collect their christmas mugs, them arks and spencer to stock up on food and booze and get chinese for tea.
blumming cold here.
Just watching "I'm a celeb" in the warm lounge, having sent Mr N to bed.
Oight oight
I watched The Paradise and then Michael Portillo charming his way around the railways in Scandinavia .
I've just watched that little video Jno .Very clever how they do these things .
It's goodnight from me ,sleep toight .
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'tis the Gulf, shaney, so we may need burqas and beards and things, but I shall scout out available places in harems of well-to-do oil sheikhs. Failing that, they always seem to have openings for white slaves.
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quiet here... too quiet
Morning all
I'll make some noise than Jno and bang some saucepan lids .
Hope you're all Ok on this dull dreary morning .Looks like rain any minute now .
Mr S wants to go to Sainsburys though so I suppose I had better go and get myself organised .
Good morning all. So sorry but I haven't had time to catch up. I've been so busy with this and that. The drain repair man is here now cementing the hole up and drinking tea! It might just solve the Roland problem.

I hope all of you are ok and aches and pains are at a minimum. I have a bit of a prob with my wrist. It is hurting more than normal and at the mo I'm putting it down to the cold weather or knitting. Steady gave me a box of disposable hand warmers to take with me to footie. Those you take out the packet and shake and they warm up for an hour or so. Fuschia has some permanent ones and she uses them all the time as she has that Raynards sp!
I am out everyday this week including later on tonight as I'm going for a meal with my R & R friend from over the road. Looking forward as we only get to go out a few times a year since she married and she is very involeved with her grandchildren.
Anyway my coffee time now so I'll see yer later 'gater(s)

good morning all. We went out for a misty walk this morning. I am coming to then we are going to but christmas things at Lidl.
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oh, I was just going to march in here with my brass band, but everyone's awake already
Good afternoon folks - have been delving into high wardrobe cupboards looking for winter things, found almost all, just one tan jumper, which I want is missing!!

Sone sun todat so am washig the jumpers like mad and drying them in drier.
Good day all, how's it hangin'? Been a bit busy/bit lazy over the moondust popped in and went off with his new wooly hats 'n boots. He was totally unimpressed but his mum loved them.

Raining now but not too cold....yet. I even had a potter outside this morning doing the last minute leaf gathering & tidying before the great freeze descends. Still some more leaves to fall off the cherry, it's lovely at the moment, all golden and red, but one good frost and they'll be gone. It looks like the squirrel's filling his pantry, he's hanging upside down & stealing sunflower hearts, the little divil...oooh, now he's burying the bloomin things in my tubs... bangs on window! ...'OI!'

I love the making of the John Lewis ad. In this day of computer images I didn't realise so much of that was fiddly manual work, I'd love to be part of something like that. (Still prefer last year's snowman though)

Too quiet? You might want to try this next time you're washing up shaney :) I love these people but I bet if I booked to see them it would be on a day I'd got a migraine :o/

Lol, that's brilliant Robinia .
We went to Sainsburys for specific items .Guess what ..they didn't have them .
So why are they advertising them on the bldy website then !!!
Typical ,so I bought two jumpers and a little bag instead and Mr S bought some whisky .He went off home and I trudged into Savers and The Works and then made my weary way home .
I might have a drop of his hooch to warm me up :)
Just finished the fish pie, it was still delicious.

Can't see whatever it is that Robi put up there^

Mr N has mended the water heater and it is boiling hot, so nice to be able to splosh the water about when washing up and had a lovely bath, house clean, no ironing to do, cupboards sort of tidy, winter clothes washed and sorted. In my bed waiting for a good night on telly!!
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right, think I have cleared all the furniture out of the bedroom, except the bed itself, as Bob the Builder is coming to paint it tomorrow. The bed may have to go too if he can't work round it but it is awful big. The walls need sealing as damp spots have appeared over the years so it is going to be smelly for a few days.
good morning everyone. Rained all night inside and outside. Had a huge line of washing (winter jumpers) on all the lines and they are just soaking! but I can see a patch of blue through my window so fingers crossed.

Had a really weird dream, but won't go into it as none of you would understand an iota of it!! One thing, my sisters and I went to a pub called The Sewer in Chinatown _ now I ask you!!!!
Morning all
Lovely so far ,bright and sunny but cold .Only 1°C.
Hope you're all Ok .Good luck with the painting Jno .At least if it's bright and dry down your way you can open all the windows for the smell .
I think it'll be a bit of household engineering for me today .
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I've been given the all clear for my eye op next month.. as I opted for general anaesthetic i've had an ECG, blood tests and genital swabs - in the old days they just used to lie you on the table and put a gas ring over your face... Anyway, hopefully I'll shortly be able to see properly in one eye at least.

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