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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Just watched the beehive bouffants etc, gosh what a trip down memory lane! I had most of the styles back in the day, they forgot the 80's Farah Fawcett look, I could get that one easily.

Quite chilly here now.
Oh I hate direct debit, those invisible fingers raiding your piggy in the night, but sometimes it just has to be done.

Yes, (except for a perm) I've had all the hair do's too neti...short, long, feathered, pageboy. Oh I've never done asymmetric, I'm a bit obsessive about balance. If I see anyone in one of those asymmetric necklaces I want to rethread it. I think my least favourite was the Sinead O'Connor tho', low maintenance but bit too draughty. :)
I haven't watched it yet Neti .I'm going to watch later .
I decided to try and keep moving about a bit rather than sit on my bum .I must have twisted myself somehow in bed last night .I wish I could train myself to sleep in one position and stay in it instead of crunching myself up and rocking and rolling all night .
We had trouble with D.D's. They kept taking money for an insurance policy that had matured and Saga kept taking money after I cancelled my magazine subscription .We got the money back but it's just an annoying hassle to have to chase things up because someone hasn't done their job properly .
It's pitch dark here and bloomin' cold .
Pitch black and chilly here too shaney.

I've had asymetric and a perm (for the Afro!)
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Well I've got the moustache - jno you have too much time on your hands, get cooking or summat!

I am getting really fed up with losing the black remote controls on this new blk n wht bedding! They are never on the white bit!

Mr N finished the cottage pie with extra onion gravy and we had a doctored up packet soup to start with, then I had pizza, boriiinnng !
Haha, that's what you get when neti's been to do your electrics.

I've had a lazyish day but I don't feel any better for it.
I've had a lazy day and it is boring, I always work better under pressure. House is always amazingly clean and tidy now, no washing up left in the sink overnight, no clothes, books, shoes, papers, mags strewn everywhere. There is one pair of Mr N's golf shorts to iron and I can't be bothered! Had a coffee in the rain with my gay best male friend, got drenched, and then messed about with computer all day!
sitting in my bed, chomping on a choc bar (Huesito) drinking a coffee and waiting for Barry Manilow to come on TV, ah this is the life!
I had a perm only once and my hair started to break and fall off in handfuls!!!! never ever again. I really like my short style with the ears showing amazing as I have spent my life hating my ears. Did lots of running around and giggling today with Sis. We are all weary so oight oight all.

PS the Sinead look is huge maintenance, you have to shave daily or more often for that smooth look.
The Bouffants and Bobs programme was good .I had my hair cut in that five point style when I was about 17 but after that I grew my hair long and only had cut it shorter in my late thirties .I had a bubble perm in the eighties but it did exactly what the hairdresser said ,it dropped and I had to grow it all out ...never again .
I also watched the last one of Breathless .What a waste of time that was plot wise ,but I loved the clothes and hairstyles .
Oight Oight all ..sleep toight .
Good morning.

♫ sun is shining....♫ Oh what do do ? Maybe I´ll hoover through yet again, and cook something! Have put one load of washing on (there is only one load these days) ah decisions decisions !
Good morning all. Hope you are all ok. I'm having a lazy day today which means I may go for a walk. I like to go on my own sometimes. It sort of gives me the zest to get on with other things I have to do.
Had my hair cut the other day and it's too short. Never mind it'll grow again soon.
Last word on Roland. Monday morning and their entrance will be bunged up. Yippee!!!
Right I'm off now laters 'gaters
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just make sure he's gone out while you plug his passage, Jude, dead Rolands smell a treat.
Morning all
Lovely sunny day so far ,cold though .
Hope you're all Ok .That's good news Jude .
...and then down came the rain and I was out in it!!

Have quickly bought 3 xmas presents to get off to England asap.

Yes a dead Roland will pong but it will go off eventually. Aren't they poisoning Roland first?

Hello woofy's sis, bet you two are having a great time and a natter.

Ah well off to the kitchen to make spag bol, it's what I fancy!!
A'noon... dull here, the sun can't get through and it's that penetrating cold that goes through to your skin. According to accu it was 27°C yesterday.....
hahahaha, apart from in my oven where the heck was that then?
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ha, looks like a rogue Fahrenheit got into their graphics department
Mr N has just lit the gas fire, it's lovely and warm and cosy.
and now I am tucked up in bed with full pjs on and duvet type slippers, room is chilly!!!

we ate meatballs and they were very nice!

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